Chapter 5

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EXPLICIT CONTENT WARNING: This Chapter contains graphic depictions of semi-non consensual sex, and some verbiage that might be considered kind of kinky/S&M related.

Our positioning was still a mess as we continued to wander around the floating market. Yiwha was walking with Knock, while I somehow ended up walking beside Pleng. Knock couldn't care less about what was going on behind him, he was too busy shoveling food into his face.

I saw Pleng peeking at me out of the corner of her eyes, probably trying to gauge what I was thinking, but I was trying like hell to keep my face as expressionless as possible.

"Do you go to the same Uni as Knock?" She said, trying to engage me in conversation, forcing me to turn my head to address her. She looked just exactly as Yiwha had described earlier; her face clearly showed her suspicion of me, as if she was estimating what threat level I represented.

"Nah, I study at Knock's previous Uni."

"I guess you guys must not be that close anymore, then." She was smiling as though hinting me to stop being too intimate with Knock.

"We're closer than you'll ever know," I said it calmly, but Pleng's face immediately changed; biting her lips, maybe she thought I was too dumb to take the hint. Instead, I just stopped talking.

"I really love him. He's the first guy that I've been really serious about. I really treasure him." She said it with a smile.

"Is that so?" I said quietly, meeting and holding her gaze with what I hoped was an unnerving calm. Meanwhile, Knock was buying yet more food with Yiwha, and paying no attention to us at all.

"Yeah. Isn't that normal? Because he's my boyfriend. Every girl treasures her boyfriend."

While she was smiling, I looked at Knock and replied calmly with a slight smile of my own; "Really? I'm sure every man treasures his wife too."

"Korn, what do you mean?" I watched the blood drain from Pleng's face, rendering her unable to say anything more.

"I didn't stutter. You're a smart girl, you should understand what I meant, right?" I answered her dryly, continuing to calmly hold her gaze. She looked so innocently shocked.  She tore her eyes away from me, and scurried off to find Knock. I'm sure she thought I was bullying her on purpose, and she'd be correct.

"Knock, hold my hand Knock", slipping her tiny hand inside Knock's larger tanned one.

"Aww dear why? I'm shy~" Knock clasped her hand, smiling. Yiwha turned her head and looked at me with a confused look.

I was somehow managing to keep my cool, disinterested expression in place. I wouldn't threaten her again, at least as long as she doesn't try to explore what happened between Knock and I.

Midnight rolled around, the intense heat of the sun that day had both exhausted and dehydrated us, so we returned home by boat. It was not surprising that Pleng had been unhappy ever since our earlier battle of wits. I'm sure she was worried I was going to try to steal her boyfriend from her. Yiwha managed to gain my attention, pulling my thoughts away from Pleng. She had flatly refused to stay over my house.

"Why? What's wrong with you? What can't you stay at my house?"

"Let's book a hotel. It's impractical to ask me to stay over your house. I'm not an easy girl, just tell me straight if you want me." Her teasing bravado finally caused me to relax, and I felt my face soften. What a woman, seriously.

"You know you're not my type, but I'm worried. You're a single woman, and you're unfamiliar with the area. Are you sure you're okay staying at the hotel alone?"

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