Chapter 0

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"What the hell are you doing here?"

I heard a familiar female voice coming from over my shoulder so I turned to look at her; she walked over and sat down next to me.

She wore a fitted school uniform shirt and an over-knee length skirt; you could tell this girl knew she was hot. This girl is called 'Yiwha'. Even I had to admit that she's got an awesome figure. If you asked me to describe her in more detail, I guess you could say that she's got long hair, dyed blue and gray, with shiny pink bangs. From her appearance, it's obvious that she's a straightforward lady. Don't make any judgements about her because she's one of my best friends.

"Nothing really." I replied, somewhat blankly.

Yiwha opened a 7-11 bag, took out a packet of potato chips, and munched on them noisily.

" 'Nothing really', or still waiting for Knock?", she asked me directly.

This 'Knock' Yiwha was talking about had been my friend since childhood, but we only became close again after I'd started hanging out with my buddies Dream and Jan. After that, we saw each other pretty often. Knock and I are about the same height, both have toned, muscular bodies and strikingly handsome faces. It goes without saying that we were popular at university, with pretty much everyone. We used to attend the same university, but he'd transferred for some reason that I had never bothered ask. I'd heard that it was because of a break-up, someone called Bayh, but I didn't know the details. Except afterwards, that same Bayh had since started dating my underclassman, Namning.

Knock's school had already started, since they follow ASEAN system; a different semester system from the university that I attend. I'll get a six month break for me to fuck around and do whatever the hell I felt like later on.

Knock had made a habit of turning up almost every day, since his girlfriend happens to live in the same building that I do. I see him all the time, so we're pretty used to having each other around, in one way or another. He'd often show up at my apartment whenever he was bored. I hadn't really put much thought into it until a few weeks ago, when we got drunk together and everything became... complicated. Furthermore, his sexy, charming, little girlfriend Plern Pleng began to dislike me.

Truthfully, that girl is kind of a bitch; she's the kind of person who stabs you in the back while smiling sweetly to your face. As a general rule, it's my policy not to be mean to girls, but I think I'm justified in my opinion that she's a two-faced bitch. She acts all innocent and conservative but then would turn around do something like let Knock into her bedroom at night when her little brother was asleep in the room next door.

That girl is really annoying!

"Knock isn't coming, he went somewhere with Pleng."

"Does that piss you off?" She asked me, part curious, part sarcasm.

"Where the hell did you get that idea?" I answered her dismissively. "He's an adult and he can do what he wants." I tried to grab some chips but she held her Lays out of my reach.

"Hey! Are you really gonna be so stingy?" I glared at her.

"No, but let me ask you a question, Korn. How have you been getting along with Knock, lately? The others might be clueless, but I'm Yiwha. I know there's something wrong." Yiwha stared at me with her beautiful sharp eyes, and waited impatiently for me to answer.

"I don't know." I admitted honestly, shrugging my shoulders.

"Hey, did that chick really go to your faculty looking for you?"


"What the hell for?" Yiwha really despises Plern Pleng. When I'd asked her about it, she'd said that she can't stand bitchy girls like her, although the level of her hate seemed a little over the top to me. It wasn't my business, and I try to avoid sticking my nose into things like feuds between women.

"It was Knock's turn for office duty last Tuesday, but he didn't show up. He didn't even bother to call me," I explained, meanwhile pulling a cigarette out of the pack sitting next to me, and ignited it with a lighter.

"Give me one too." Yiwha asked, so I handed one to her along with the lighter. She lit it and then took a drag, and continued to grill me impatiently, "Well, and then?"

"So Pleng came to apologize, saying Knock was with her all day and refused to leave", I explained calmly before taking a deep drag of smoke, and felt myself begin to relax immediately.

"Stupid tricks, a good girl doesn't stay out all night with men." Yiwha's face morphed into a lopsided sarcastic smile. "That poor thing, he wouldn't leave her alone!", she cooed with sickly sweetness.

"Just let it go already. They're a couple, there's nothing wrong with it." Although I said so, I still had a weird feeling about Pleng, although I couldn't put my finger on it.

"So, now that you've slept with Knock, does that make him your boyfriend?"

"What the actual fuck?" I sputtered in surprise. Yiwha's words totally caught me off guard and nearly caused me to choke.

Holy shit, how'd she know that? I had never breathed a word about that to anyone! This is that 'complicated thing' I mentioned earlier, by the way.

Knock and I had gone to Amphawa together, and ended up getting totally shitfaced drunk. When we woke up the next morning, we were in bed together, stark naked. I wasn't sore anywhere, but I was a bit... sticky. Knock claimed that he was totally okay, and it seemed like he could walk just fine. But, there was blood and semen on the bed sheets, so it was obvious he was lying through his teeth.

But if he wanted to forget, I wouldn't force him to remember.

"You've been keeping that juicy detail to yourself really well, now haven't you? You' ve only let it slip now, after so long." Yiwha said, waggling her eyebrows at me suggestively.

"How the hell did you know, anyway?"

"Woman's intuition! After you came back from Amphawa, Knock was sick for a while. When I went to see him to get my camera back, he actually had a fever. I asked him how he caught it, and he said it was because he stayed in the water for too long and got too much sun."

"Did you believe it?" I grinned.

"Almost." Yiwha suddenly leaned in, her face close to mine, leering. "If I hadn't seen the hickies on his chest!"

I was mentally scarred by those words and I turned my head away, continuing to smoke with feigned nonchalance. She reached over and grabbed me roughly, twisting at the collar of my shirt.

"Tell me everything right now or I'll kill you myself!"

I sighed deeply. This messed up relationship had begun with our last trip back home to Amphawa...

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