Chapter 8A

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"So how are you gonna get home?" Pure asked worriedly, after we cleaned up the mess we'd made of the soccer field. Those bastards had vacated the scene with a quickness. It was clear that all of Knock's friends were concerned with the state of his injured leg.

I reached my hand out to Knock; it was a display of strength, to show that I had not been defeated.

"Give me your key, I'll give you a ride back."

"Have you had more practice since last time?" Knock asked, eyeballing me suspiciously, wary of my skill level. We had fallen off once before when I still hadn't had much practice riding a motorbike; he'd taken a hard fall and almost caused a serious accident. The accident itself had not been entirely my fault; it had been pouring rain that day, and the road was slippery.

"Yes, of course." I nodded.

"Oh, did you buy a fancy one to help pick up chicks?" Knock teased.

I looked at him calmly and answered, "Am I like you? I just wanna get used to it because some tanned jackass is gonna ride my motorbike next time." He was stunned, scratching his head, his lips had tightened into a straight line. You know what? That meant he was feeling shy!

I smiled, "Give me the key."

"Okay." Knock passed me the key, I held onto his hand briefly before taking the key from him.

"Ah, ehemmmmm." Pure coughed behind us. He glanced back and forth between us, looking both suspicious and thoroughly confused; "What's with all the sparkly pink bubbles around you? What's going on with you two?"

Knock's shoulders went rigid even as his ears turned flame red when he heard Pure's incredulous question. Several of the other guys were snickering snidely behind their hands.

"Hey, hey, hey! There's nothing going on! No way, never ever!!!"

Pure hadn't meant anything from that aspect, he'd just meant that it seemed like we were just a little bit more than friends; but looking at Knock's face which had gone scarlet red to the roots of his hair, no one would ever believe that it was just a little bit. His friends exchanged a few uneasy smiles, while Min and Few were miming as if they'd gotten goosebumps. Both Heart and Pure were laughing so hard they were gasping for breath.

"Oh wow, this is certainly a dramatic change in taste! But even so, I still can't picture Knock and Korn together. Knock's has always been chasing after ALL the pretty young ladies, now he likes it butch? Oh, but one thing remains consistent; the fair skin!"

"Hey, hey, stop laughing, I won't help you if Korn punches y'all later." Knock threatened them with me. It seems that they were still terrified by my actions before, clearly revealed by the sea of nervous laughter and awkward smiles.

"Sorry sorry, don't get mad at us." Pure backpedaled, trying to placate him.

"It's nothing", I said with a shrug before turning back to Knock; "Hey Knock, can you walk?" Checking out his injured leg, it was amazing that he could even stand, let alone walk. I instinctively moved towards him, putting a steadying hand on his shoulder, causing him to glance at my face.

"Your leg really hurts?" I asked worriedly.

"Why did you even ask? You wanna carry me on your back?" He smiled brightly at me; he's back to the usual teasing Knock.

"You're almost 70kg, no one's capable of that!" I answered honestly; this is no soap opera! I was pretty sure that carrying him was impossible. Perhaps I should start hitting the weights; if I was strong enough to carry him, it'd be a lot harder for him to run away from me again.

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