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It was two days later that Koge noticed it. From her balcony in the dark, she could see the light of a fire down the beach. It seemed like a cold and lonely light, flickering in the dark as if it were calling for her. The urge to go to it was strong, knowing that it must have been Bakugou, still stranded on the beach with nowhere to go. But, could she really stand it? Could she really stand to be around him again after the fight they had? Just as she had commanded, he hadn't returned to the house, somehow surviving on his own just down the shore. By now, he probably truly hated her, which was something that Koge knew she deserved.

She had acted horribly towards him and she knew it. Her overwhelming lifetime loneliness had driven her to attach herself to him, getting too close too quickly, and it had ruined what friendship they could have had. It had been wrong of her to want him to stay, to abandon everything he knew just for her, a human girl that he had barely met. It was stupid of her to have such expectations, but then again, she truly didn't know what to expect of him. Bakugou had done nothing but surprise her at every turn, either with a story, a smile or a touch and she found herself missing him desperately.

It wasn't just his touch that she missed. It was the conversations, the way he snorted when she was able to make him laugh too hard, how he fiddled with those necklaces while holding such a soft and far off thoughtful look on his face. Her favorite thing, oddly enough, was how his entire face just lit up the first time he put a piece of sushi into his mouth. She had never seen someone eat so many pieces of sushi in her life, but the price of the bill was worth how happy it made him.

He's probably hungry... After eating so great here, I just left him on the beach to fend for himself. I'm such a shitty person.

With a heavy sigh, Koge pulled herself away from the balcony and back into her room, crossing her arms tightly over her chest as she began to think out loud. "I should take him something... If he still can't change, I can't leave him stranded on the beach. Ugh!" Reaching up to rub her face, she gave her cheeks a few good slaps before marching out of her room and towards the kitchen. Enough! I can't do this to him! If I care about him as much as I think I do, there's no way I can let this happen.

After rummaging through the kitchen, she found some raw fish, some vegetables that he had liked and a couple of bottles of fresh water. Before she could be caught, she fled the house and jogged down to the beach, not stopping until she grew closer to the burning fire. She could see him there, sitting beside it. From the glow that was cast by the flames and the bright moonlight above, she watched him sit there, sharpening a stick with some type of knife. Where he had gotten that, she wasn't sure, but she sure as hell felt stupid when that was the first thing that came out of her mouth.

"Where'd you get a knife?"

Bakugou only gave her a quick glance, as if he had known she were there the entire time, which wouldn't surprise her in the slightest. "It's not a knife. It's a clam. If you break them just right, they can be sharp. I use them to make weapons sometimes."

"That's impressive."

She didn't even get his typical grunt in response, feeling her heart drop nearly into her stomach. Swallowing hard, she took a few steps closer, swinging the backpack she wore around to the front. "I brought you some food."

"I already ate."

"Oh..." Now she was just starting to feel stupid. She could feel how unwanted her presence was, much like how it had been when she first found him. "I guess this was a stupid idea." Bakugou finally turned his glare up towards her, the way he was holding the semi pointed stick and clam-knife almost menacing. "Is this how you thought you would apologize to me? Did you think it would work?"

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