Thank You

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Koge was near the point of passing out by the time the doctor came and went. Stress, anxiety and physical exertion had all but knocked her out, and she couldn't help but be a bit annoyed with Bakugou's whining at three o'clock in the morning.

"Why would you pretend that we're dating? That's so fucking stupid, now we have to fake it!" The annoyed blonde hissed at her, looking at the bottle of antihistamine cream the doctor had left for him. Koge let out a groan, currently laying face down on the opposite side of the bed. "Katsuki, just play along until we can get you home. Then I'll say you broke up with me, I'll pretend to be sad and it'll be fine." She turned her head to look up at him, not at all swayed by his glare. "You'd better not put that on yet, the doctor said to bathe first."

"I don't need to fucking bathe, I'm fine."

"No, you're filthy and you smell like dirty ocean water. C'mon." Koge dragged herself from the bed, starting towards the bathroom. "I'll set you up a bath. Or would you prefer a shower?"


The sound of running water cut him off as Koge turned on the tub faucet, thinking he'd prefer a bath where he could sit. It wasn't just the fact that she wanted to go to bed that was making her feel rushed. The doctor had given him some oral medication that would knock him out any minute, and she wasn't interested in the thought of dragging his unconscious body around. "Come on, Katsuki! Humans have to bathe everyday. So get your ass in here."

The incoherent cursing and mumbling was followed by the sound of shuffling and light thumps, telling her that he had stood. Eventually, Bakugou made his way into the restroom, a crutch under his left arm. The stubborn man demanded a way to walk on his own, so Koge gave him two options, a crutch or a cane. Failing with the cane, he settled with the other, which was working quite well from what Koge could tell. If she wasn't so tired, she would probably laugh at him, as he looked absolutely ridiculous in one of her long bathrobes, shuffling about with a crutch.

"You're already pretty good with that thing. Maybe after two weeks you'll be able to walk without it."

"Two weeks my fucking ass." Bakugou snarled as he stopped by the tub, leaning on the crutch as he worked to untie the robes strap. "How could it take two weeks for this shit to go away? I thought you humans were medical geniuses."

"Not quite." Koge looked away from him as heat returned to her cheeks, checking the temperature of the water to make sure it was comfortable. "Two weeks for the rash and all symptoms to go away is pretty good, considering." She avoided looking at him as the robe fell to the floor, though she stood to help him in the tub should he need it. "Go on, get in."

"You'd better stop ordering me around." Bakugou huffed, even though he followed instruction. "I'm not some damn moron."

"I— ugh, okay. Whatever." She let him hold onto her arm as he stepped into the tub, sitting down with more grace than expected. "Eventually you'll say thank you and this will all be worth it." Bakugou only glared at the wall, sinking down into the tub until his nose was at water level. The tub was huge, big enough for him to completely submerge in, but Kog wasn't quite done with him yet.

"Here." Koge tapped one of the bottles that sat on the edge of the tub, gaining his attention. "You have to wash yourself. The doctor said to not use anything with added fragrances on your skin, so use this last on your body. Your hair you wash with this, shampoo, and then this, conditioner." Her finger moved to each bottle as she addressed them, his crimson glare following it. "It doesn't take much, don't squirt a whole shit ton on yourself."

"You're not going to do it for me?"

"What!? No." Koge shook her head, walking away from the tub to fetch a couple of towels for him. "You can do it yourself, can't you?"

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