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"Do you think you can get onto the blanket?" Koge asked breathlessly, having just been out scouring the beachside for some sort of shelter. Having cleaned up and discarded the dirtied clothes and towels, the admittedly exhausted woman was laying out a thick comforter beside her new wounded friend, who was glowering at the item as he munched on the remaining shrimp. "I guess so, but there's no fucking way you can drag me to the cave. I'm way too heavy for you."

With a shake of her head, Koge wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, wishing she hadn't brought a t-shirt as her replacement clothing. "I told you Katsuki, I'm stronger than I look. You just have to work with me." With an extra hair tie, Koge rolled the t-shirt to right below her breasts, pulling it tight off to one side and securing it with the tie. Finishing off the last shrimp, Bakugou tossed the tail away before he began to shift himself over onto the blanket, hissing a bit from the pain of having to move his tail. "Ah fuck... I mean, you are pretty toned, you obviously work out or whatever. But you're so damn small! What are you like four foot nothing?"

"Five foot and barely one inch."

"Exactly! There's no damn way you're moving me anywhere." He settled onto the middle of the blanket, sighing loudly as he lied his head onto it. "Fuck I'm still tired... This thing is comfortable-- Hey!" His comfort was jerked from him as Koge suddenly took hold of the edge of the blanket she had chosen, his body angled along it to make moving him easier. With strength that left him speechless, Koge began to drag him backwards, straining for a moment before she settled into a rhythm. "You'll see! I can drag you, even if you are a fat lard!"

"Excuse me?!" Bakugou snapped, though he dare not move, not wanting to risk messing up her pacing. "I am not fat! I'm one of the most fit in my entire clan, I can even take down an Orca!" Koge nodded, sweat already pouring down her face. "Yeah dude, you're ripped. You're gorgeous for human standards. Any woman would fawn over you if you had legs, believe me."

"Would they? Is that why you aren't, because I don't have legs? I could have legs, y'know."

Koge stopped, looking down at him in bewilderment. "What? Are you seriously asking me why I'm not hitting on you?"

Bakugou narrowed his eyes up at her, tapping his fingers on his forearm. "You're the one that said I'm gorgeous. I've always heard stories that human females are exceptionally weak when it comes to us, as far as physical attraction. I'm just curious."

"Maybe it's because I just pulled a stick out of your tail and had your blood all over me, and now I've been running all over the beach to find a place to stash you. Your attractiveness is in the negatives for me right now, considering I'm dragging your ass for a good quarter of a mile while you chastise me about not hitting on you this entire time."

Both of them fell silent as they stared at each other, Bakugou's brow furrowing as a pink hue rose up into the tips of his pointed ears. The slight pout on his face was something that instantly sent Koge's adorable meter through the roof, but she had to resist. "Don't look at me like that, seriously. I don't know what types of stories you've heard about us, but human women aren't brainless and blindly attracted to sexy men for no reason. At least, not all of us are." Koge began to pull again, struggling a bit before she caught her footing and found a good pace. "Like I said, if you had legs and weren't almost dying, sure, maybe I'd hit on you but your attitude would instantly turn me off so it doesn't matter."

"Tch, well I could say the same for your stupid blank face."

"Thank you, it's a mutual feeling, then. Wait--" Koge suddenly stopped again, panting as she doubled over, hands on her knees. "Did you say you can have legs?!"

Bakugou nodded, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder towards his tail. "I'm the strain of merfolk that can have legs when I please. Though I've only ever changed a few times, it's not something I enjoy or will do without reason. And before you say it-!" Bakugou cut Koge off as she opened her mouth to speak, effectively silencing her. "-I can't with this type of injury! So I'm not just making you drag me around like I'm a fucking weakling for no reason! Believe me, I fucking hate this. I've never allowed anyone to do anything for me."

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