Doctor Prince finishes writing a note and looks up, "I think I will run a few tests on you before coming to any conclusions".

And so went my afternoon, full of poking and prodding and sampling; Cake, all the while, never leaving my side. My stomach did settle a bit as the day went on, but it was replaced by worry of Marshall coming home early and worrying about me; When Doctor Prince leaves us alone to process some of the tests, this is all I can think about.

"What's wrong, Fionna? Don’t worry, we'll figure out what’s wrong with you soon enough." she pats my hand.

I nod, "I know," but then I shake my head, "but that’s not what I’m worried about." 

"What are you worried about then?" she asks. 

I pull the covers on the bed up higher, "Nothing, I mean, I guess I’m just anxious." I reason. 

There's a knock at the door, and Doctor Prince comes in, "Ah, yes, the results are in." she stands at my bed side, "May I be the first to congratulate you on your pregnancy!" He smiles.

Cake gasps, "Ohh! My baby's gonna have a baby! Fionna, isn’t this great? How are you going to tell Marshall?" she pauses, and asks more gently, "Fionna?"

My eyes are staring blankly at the opposite wall, "Are you sure?" I ask Doctor Prince, my voice hollow.

He nods and confirms, "Quite. Every test indicated so."

"What will happen?" I have to ask.

"Could you be more specific?"

I turn on him and ask too harshly, "Will this child live? Will it be born?" the image of my blood soaked bed taking up my mind. "I had a miscarriage before, will it happen again? Is a demon/ human/ vampire child able to be born? Tell me!" I beg, tears now streaming down my face. Now I understand what Cake meant about the pain of hoping. I cannot let myself believe I will be... a mother, if I have even an inkling that this child will never see the light of day.

Doctor Prince seems taken back for once. But he quickly straightens himself, "Fionna, I am going to be complete honest with you." he says frankly. "In truth, I do not know for sure. Never have I read or heard of such a pregnancy as yours before. But as for your previous miscarriage, I cannot tell you if it was because you cannot conceive a child between ones such as you and Marshall, or if it was other factors that caused the terminated pregnancy." he pauses, "I can tell you that we, the medical staff, will help you along every moment and through any complications." he puts his hand over his heart, "Put your lives in our hands and we will try everything we can to make sure this baby comes out healthy." he swears, his eyes never leaving mine for a second.

I dry my tears and I feel the 'hope' coming up to swallow me. "Thank you" I whisper.

He clears his throat, returning to his professional demeanor, "So I recommend you come by for a checkup every other week, or whenever you feel the need. Okay? Oh, and here's a prescription to help with the nausea."

"Thank you so much for the news, Doctor Prince." Cake adds. Taking the bottle that rattles from the pills inside, she scoops me up in her arms to leave.

Once out the door, Cake gets serious, "Fionna, are you going to be okay?" I nod. "I know you're scared but look at me and Lord Monochromicorn, we got inter-species babies, and there we're no complications."

"I know, but it seems different somehow,"

"You are going to tell Marshall, right?"

I don’t hesitate, "Yes," I recall the backlash from last time, "I’m not making that mistake again. This is his child too." I instinctually hold my hands against my stomach.

As we approach the tree house, I see all the lights on, shining against the darkness of the sky. "Looks like now's the time; Marshall must be home." Cake remarks. She drops me off on the front porch and wishes me love and luck. 

I push open the front door and met with an embrace, "Fi, I thought I told you to stay in bed. I come home and you're gone! Simone said she saw you and Cake going off together, where'd you go?"

I don’t answer his questions right away. Trying to keep a calm expression on my face, I guide us over to the couch and we both sit. I start, "I called Cake to take me to the doctor because I’ve been feeling pretty poopy the past few weeks and thought something must be wrong with me. I didn’t want you to worry."


I hold up a finger, stopping him in his tracks. I continue, "Doctor Prince ran some tests on me and found out why I’ve been feeling this way." I explain carefully.

"Please tell me it’s nothing serious!" his eyes deep with pain and worry.

My breaths catch in my throat as I start to cry. Marshall, probably fearing the worst, hugs me tightly as if he'll never let go. "Don’t cry, we'll get though this together." he comforts, but I can feel him start to shake from sadness.

But I am smiling, and I start a ragged, nervous, laugh that catches him off guard. At this point I, myself, realize I’m crying tears of joy. "M-marshall," I sniffle, "Marshall, I’m pregnant, we're going to have a baby!" I finally get out.

He just stares at me with questioning eyes, and I just keep nodding 'yes'. A smile begins to bloom across his face in true realization. "Fi," he says incredulously, "this...this is...incredible!" he stammers, seemingly unable to find the right words. "I love you, I love our child," he kisses my head and leans down an kisses my belly, "we're going to be a real family." He wipes the tears from my eyes, "I love you." We hold eachother in an embrace that lasts the rest of the night, falling asleep in eachother's arms.

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((WRITER OF THE WEEK: "TheAmazingJoker"!!! they've got their own fiolee story that looks pretty good :) go check 'em out!!!

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: if you could describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be? for me....... i guess i would say: introverted, dedicated, writer (i am a writer precicely because of those first 2 words :P) what about youuuu??? comment belowwwww!!!


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