Chapter 16

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Frinton is starting to have second thoughts on following Gibbons to the Queen Mother's lair as she sees the jungle getting darker and darker. In a quiet, eerie silence she is starting to get flashbacks of when she first met Queen Mother. The red, hungry eyes drawing closer and closer, fangs drooling and hissing still ringing in her ears. Ready to eat her. This was not a bad idea. This was a terrible idea. She could die here. She is thinking about retreating and run when she hears a meek little voice;

"We are here." said Gibbons in a quiet voice. Frinton can see a dark entrance of the cave with the edges covered in wed that somehow glow, hearing little spider legs scurrying inside the cave that makes Frinton's skin crawl. Gibbons decides to let Frinton go in first. Frinton hesitated. Just looking at the entrance, making her sick to the stomach. But she takes a deep breath and slowly walk into the darkness.

All four of the guards run as fast as they can with Keil riding on Xavier's back.

"Why did you let her go!? She could die before we even get there!" Xavier shouted.

"What can I do? She is so stubborn, so I thought the best idea would be to find you guys as quickly as possible."

"You did the right thing strange one. Now all we can hope for is getting to her before anything bad happens to her." The King replied. All of a sudden, he sees a black blur running past him.

"Ebony! Slow down!"

But Ebony is still running as fast as he can, hoping to get to Frinton in time while the others just pick up the pace to try and catch up to him.

Once Gibbons entered the lair after Frinton, he leads her through a dark, narrow tunnel. While it is too dark to see anything even for her, she can still feel thousands of eyes staring her. Sending a chill down her spine. Breathing growing rapidly, can hear her heart pounding in her chest and growing more frightened by the second. As she keeps walking through the tunnel with Gibbons closely behind her, she noticed a faint white glow spilling from the opening. Starting to see the spiders in different sizes all around her from floor to ceiling. She can't help but be mesmerized by the glow until she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Keep going. My family and the Queen Mother are that way." Gibbons said in a timid voice, pointing straight ahead towards the glow. Frinton slowly walks towards the glow until she reaches the entrance. In it she can see the glow is coming from web in front of her that is covering the entire wall. She looks around this enormous room with astonishment and see lots of spiders in different sizes. Hanging from their webs, climbing all over ceilings, walls and floors, with their red beading eyes shining once they turn to glare at Frinton. Frinton can feel her fur standing on the end in fear as she slowly walks towards the king size web. As she is getting closer, she can see little wrapped bundles on the web. Some moving like something is trapped in there, the others completely still. Frinton can't help but shiver, thinking there might be bodies in there. She keeps looking at these web bundles when she sees long, thick hairy spider legs slowly climbing over the web, fangs peering over until she sees four, red hungry eyes that Frinton remembers vividly. The Queen Mother. She climbs up and slowly walks towards them, walking over the bodies in her bundles. Hissing and growling while staring down at Frinton. Frinton continues to stare at Queen Mother with fear as her sensitive ears pick up scurrying sound from behind. She turns around and sees millions of spiders coming towards them. Frinton is getting a terrible feeling about this. The Queen Mother hissed out,

"So my dear servant, you bought this pest for me?"

"Yes, my Queen." Gibbons said. No hint of a timid voice. Before Frinton could react, the spiders surrounding Frinton, shooting their webs at her and pounce on her to tie her up so until she couldn't move.

"Keil was right," Frinton thought as tears are welling up her eyes,

"It is a trap." 

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