Chapter 12

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As the dark clouds slowly moves across the night sky, the figure slowly tip-toe pass the large cats who are sleeping, however when his foot lands a little too close to Xavier's nose. It twitches, smelling something unfamiliar, making the monkey sweat. He watches the tiger's nose keep twitching until he decided to turn the other way in his sleep. The monkey sighs in relief, then continue to tip toe forward towards Frinton and Keil that are sleeping on the same spot as the night before. 

Once the monkey got to them, he gets a net that he had made with vines that had been draped over his shoulder, lays it out flat and carefully picking up Frinton and then put her on top of the net. With Keil it's a little bit difficult as his weight exceeds the monkey's and he is laying on his back with his arms and legs spread out, snoring really loudly. The monkey is stumped, he has no idea how to get this creature into the net; until he realised, he has some extra vines that could be used as rope. He ties it around Keil's ankle and pull him with all his might to get him onto the net. He unties the vine from Keil's ankle and then wrap the net around them to tie the net on top with the extra vine to use as rope. Then pull the bundle with all his might taking Frinton and Keil straight to Queen Mother. It will be a slow and agonising journey but it will be worth it once he gets his family back.  

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