Chapter 8

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Frinton and Keil are shocked by the King's sudden mood change. Even Keil has gone strangely quiet just from the change of the atmosphere. Seeing Keil shaken up, Frinton steps forward and tries to explain everything.

" sir."

"For starters, who the hell are you and what are you doing in my jungle? I know every creature that lives here and I don't remember you being here until now."

"Well, my name is Frinton and as you can tell, I am a cat. I mean not like you big, wild cats. You guys are huge," she said with a laugh but none of the Guardcats looks amused. Just sitting there looking down at her. Frinton got embarrassed and cleared her throat.

"Anyway, I accidently came into this jungle by some big metal bird while I was trapped in a box." she realised she must sound insane when she said that so she looked at the King for a reaction, but he just nods at her to continue.

"So, as the day was getting darker as I was walking through, I heard a weird clapping sound coming from behind me and when I looked behind me, this eight-legged monster was there in an instant and I immediately ran for my life then ended up in Keil's tree, and that's when Keil started fighting her."

"Wait a minute" Xavier butts in, "You are telling us that this disgusting, smelly, dopey bear thing is the reason you two are still alive and uninjured?"

"Hey! I take offense to that! I am not smelly! It's my natural musk. The ladies dig it. Right Frinton?" he said with a wink. Frinton rolls her eyes.

"It is hard to believe but yes. It's true."

Xavier looks exasperated.

"My King, you don't actually believe them, do you? How can they get away from the same thing that killed tons of creatures and injured Ebony's eye?"

The King begins to look thoughtful, thinking about what he has been told.

"I believe them." The King stated. The other Guardcats look shocked.

"Did you guys not see the markings on the tree when we came to get them? It's the same markings on the other trees leading to the dead bodies that has her fang marks. I agree that seeing them alive without a mark is unbelievable, however I fear they won't be so lucky next time. I suggest they stay with us for protection, perhaps even train them how to fight and defend themselves in case Queen Mother comes back, and believe me she will."

Everyone is taking in what the King is saying.

"I shall assign each of you a mentor to help you. They shall guide you through the survival lessons that you need. Especially you little one," turning towards Frinton.

"I can tell you were raised as a domesticated cat but I can also see some spunk in you. With the right mentor and teachings, I am sure you will become a great hunter and fighter, for that I shall assign you with Ebony. You and him have the same fur colour and he will teach you how to use that to your advantage along with combat and survival instincts that he had experienced." Frinton can't wait. Jumping up and down with excitement. She is going to learn how to hunt like a proper cat, something that she had dreamed about for years! She looks up at Ebony and sees his face is unreadable. The King walks over to Keil.

"And you strange one, I will assign you to Xavier."

"WHAT!?" shouted Xavier.

"My King. What about Mozzie? Surely he would be more suited for the bear."

All three of them turns and look over at Mozzie and see him running round and round, chasing his tail and then ends up lying on the ground chewing his own leg.

"No, you are more suitable. Yes the koala and Mozzie might have similar....qualities in some sense, but that is the exact reason why I am not assigning them together. He needs a strict teacher, make him more discipline and aware. It is the only way for him to improve. Plus, it is the koala who is the one that attacked Queen Mother, maybe you can bring something out of him."

The King said the last part in a whisper causing Xavier to sigh.

"Please Xavier?" he said giving Xavier a hopeful look.

Xavier gives out another sigh, "Yes, my King."

"Perfect." he turns and shouted for Keil.

"Strange one! Xavier will be your mentor. Listen to him well as he knows everything that could be useful to survive. As the King walks away, he whispered to Xavier.

"Train him well." then left without saying another word.

"Woohoo!" Keil glomped onto Xavier's head as Xavier tries not to scream in pain from the claws digging into his neck.

"This is going to be great! I can't wait to learn everything from you! I bet we are going to be great friends after this!" Keil shouted into Xavier's ear still hugging him cheek to cheek as Xavier gives out a low menacing growl that sounds suspiciously like "Bloody hell."

After Keil gets off of Xavier, he walks up to Frinton.

"I think he likes me."

Frinton smirks, "Who wouldn't?"

"Alright you two, you will start your training tomorrow, but for now we shall eat and sleep through the night. You have got a long day ahead of you." 

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