Listen, Listen

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A Note From Kaity: It's a little weird to me, but I decided to combine all three Light Years series parts so here they are. I APOLOGIZE FOR THE ANNOYING UPDATES...


"Lads, we've got today to just hang out a bit and then our last concert is tomorrow night. I think before we go out and do anything that we have our little sit down," Liam hummed after he woke us up that morning.

I wanted more than anything to not have one of our chats. My hangover was less than merciful and I needed a bit more sleep.

Harry sat beside me on the bed while Niall and Zayn took their seats on the twin bed that Liam had slept on. Daddy Direction himself sat on the floor in between the two beds with a cup of coffee in his grasp. I kept my eyes down on the fabric of my pants and the other boys began talking. Part of me hoped that Liam would skip over me, but if he was going to spill his guts then he was going to make me do the same.

"As you all know," Liam began. Oh flying teapot in the sky, he really was going to. "Dani broke up with me the other night. I wanted to apolgize to all of you for my outburst and for my attitude yesterday. I plan to try and talk to Danielle when I get back to London. She really was the one for me and I know that there has to be more to this than what she was telling me..." he paused for a moment as his honey stare settled on the wooden nightstand between the beds. "I think I may take a small holiday for myself after that," he smiled a little before his stare moved to me.

Damn it.

"Take a holiday?" Niall enquired.

Thank you plucky little blonde.

"Yeah," he lifted his cast covered hand. "After this little delight, I've realized that a break may be a bit more necessary than I thought," he smiled a little.

"Your turn Lou..." Harry mumbled.

I was worried that he was mad at me after last night but he seemed to be a bit more sad about it than mad. He slipped his hand into mine and entwined our fingers but he never once looked at me.

"Management is making me do a press conference to say that it was all a prank..." I stated plainly.

The other boys frowned. "That's ridiculous..." Zayn murmered.

"Is that all Louis...? I mean it isn't fair that they're making you lie... But it could be worse, right?" Niall chipped in.

"Plucky little blonde, you are indeed correct. It could be worse. I'm thankful that it isn't," I forced a smile. The rep had told me not to tell. I couldn't let Harry get hurt just yet.

His green eyes moved to me, "If that was all then why did you get drunk last night..."

I twisted the fabric in my fingers and shrugged, "Bad habits never die."

Harry stood angrily letting his hand slip from my grasp, "That is the biggest load of bull that I have ever heard! Tell me the truth Tomlinson!"

"They're making me get a girlfriend..." I replied softly as I watched him.

The angered look fell from his face.

"W...What?" Liam looked stunned.

Niall and Zayn seemed shocked into silence. They even looked a bit afraid. I could imagine the thoughts running through their heads. Fear, fear of when they would have to go through this.

"What do you mean Lou...?" Harry asked softly. He looked so hurt.

"They were going to make me break up with you... At least with this fake girlfriend... I can still be with you... I'm so sorry Harry..." I looked up at him wanting to wipe away the saddened expression there. My Harry was supposed to be happy, not depressed and looking like his world was falling to pieces around him.

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