Chapter 10

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Newt and Tina quickly packed as much of the jewelry and coins into the box as would fit. When they finished there was still a few handfuls left. Tina pulled off her jacket and spread it on the floor.

"We could use my sweater," Newt offered.

Tina shook her head. "No, a jacket would work better." She put the box in the middle of it before piling the rest of the stuff around it. Then she folded the jacket over it, creating a small bundle.

"Now we just need to find Professor Dumbledore," Newt said.

"But it's late. Won't he be asleep?" she asked.

He checked his watch. "It's almost 2:15 but . . ." He trailed off, frowning slightly. "Let's just check the staff room. If he's not there we'll go to bed and find him in the morning."

He picked up the cage with the Niffler. She grabbed the bundled jacket. They left the room and she threw the Cloak over both of them.

They made their way to the staff room. The door was ajar, a wedge of golden light bathing the floor in front of it. As they approached the door, they heard voices.

"Phineas isn't happy with you, Albus," one voice said.

"Professor Dippet," Newt whispered.

Tina shushed him.

"I'm aware of that," Professor Dumbledore said.

"You said you were going to deal with the situation."

"I am dealing with it."

"Phineas wants results."

"I understand that, Armando, and I'll have results in the morning," Dumbledore replied coolly.

"I hope so," Dippet muttered. "For both our sakes."

Tina heard footsteps coming towards them. She tugged Newt out of the doorway before Dippet came through, a worried expression on his face. Newt and Tina glanced at each other, unsure whether or not to enter the room. Then Dumbledore's voice came again.

"You two can come in. Don't stay lurking in the corridor," he called.

The two of them looked at each other again, identical surprised expressions on their faces. 

"Come on then," Newt whispered.

Tina nodded and pulled the Cloak off of them. They nervously entered the room.

Dumbledore was seated on one of three couches, arranged in a U-shape around a low table. A large fireplace was positioned at the fourth end. Their teacher smiled and indicated the couch across from him.

"Have a seat."

They did so hesitantly.

"How did you know we were there, Professor?" Tina asked.

Dumbledore smiled mysteriously, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

"I had a feeling you two would show up," he said. "I take it you've solved our little problem."

"It was the Niffler," Newt said, setting the cage with the creature on the table. "He's been stealing things from all over the castle."

"Here," Tina added. She set her bundle on the table and pushed it across the surface.

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows. "It all fit in here?"

Tina shook her head. "No, most of it is in a box inside the jacket. My dad put an extension charm on it when he sent us the cage."

The man looked impressed. He pushed away the jacket to reveal some of the Niffler's treasures and the box with the rest. Opening the box, he dumped everything onto the fabric. He began looking through the large pile.

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