Chapter 6

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Tina didn't remember the missing jewelry until well into November. She made her way down to the Gryffindor common room, running her fingers through her hair to pull the tangles out of her loose curls.

"There you are," John exclaimed. "We've been waiting for you forever."

"Why don't I believe you?" Tina laughed.

"Because we've only been down here for about a minute," Nathan grinned.

John scowled dramatically. "Who cares. It felt like forever." He grabbed them both by the hand and started dragging them towards the portrait hole. "Come on, I'm hungry."

"Why are you so excited?" Tina asked as she scrambled through the portrait hole after John.

"Don't you remember?" he asked, turning. "Today's the first Quidditch match of the year. I've never actually seen a Quidditch match before. At least, not a real one."

"Well, I've never seen a Quidditch match, period," Nathan said.

Tina grinned. "Now you get to."

They made their way down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Tina spotted Leta and Newt sitting opposite each other at the far end of the Hufflepuff table.

"I'll see you later," she said to John and Nathan before running down the hall and dropping into the seat beside Newt. "Good morning."

Newt grinned. "Morning," he said.

Leta nodded slightly to acknowledge Tina's presence then went back to her piece of toast.

"Everyone's excited today," Tina said, gesturing to the hall which was full of excited chatter.

"Well, it is the first match of the season," Newt said. "And it's Gryffindor verse Slytherin. Theseus told me it's considered to be the second most important match of the year. The most important is the final."

"So, who do you want to win?" Leta said, speaking for the first time since Tina sat down.

Tina realized what she was trying to do. Newt looked uncomfortable.

"I -- I can't say . . ." he mumbled.

Leta shrugged. "OK, who do you think will win?"

"I don't know," Newt said hesitantly. "I haven't seen either team play."

The rest of the meal was spent in an uncomfortable silence. Tina suspected Leta was unhappy with Newt's refusal to choose between his friends. Newt seemed uncomfortable with having been put on the spot. Tina realized that nothing she could say would be welcome so she kept quiet.

When they were done eating, they left the Great Hall and Leta and Newt turned towards the dungeons while Tina started up the stairs. However, before she made it to the first landing, she felt a hand on her arm. Turning, she found Newt standing one step below her.

"Newt!" she exclaimed.

"I didn't want to say this in front of Leta but I honestly think Gryffindor's going to with," he said. "Theseus told me that Gryffindor's won the Quidditch Cup and the House Cup every year he's been here and several before that."

Tina took a step down so she was on the same level as Newt. "Why are you telling me this?"

Newt dropped his gaze to his shoes. "I -- I don't know. I guess, I didn't like the way Leta asked the question and I know if I told her what I thought she'd accuse me of choosing you over her but I trust you. I know that you wouldn't really care if I said I wanted Slytherin to win."

Tina gently rested her hand on Newt's shoulder. When he looked up, she offered him a smile.

"It doesn't matter who wins so long as everyone enjoys the match."

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