Chapter 8

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The first few months of school passed quickly. Tina wanted to talk to Newt about the missing jewelry and to ask him how his Christmas break had been but Leta made that nearly impossible. Nothing else went missing so Tina soon forgot all about it, instead focusing on her schoolwork.

It wasn't until March that she was reminded of the missing jewelry. She was sitting by herself in a corner of the Library, her books spread out in front of her. She hadn't seen either Newt or Leta since their last class. She assumed the latter had decided they weren't going to join her to study for their test.

As she studied her notes, she saw someone enter the library and hurry across the room. Newt dropped into the chair beside her, panting slightly.

"Where's Leta?" she asked.

"In her dormitory, I suppose," he shrugged. "She said she didn't feel well but that's not the point"

Tina glanced at him curiously. He had begun pulling his books out of his bag but there was an excited look on his face.

"Well then," she said. "What is the point?"

"When I was walking back from class, I overheard a few boys complaining that their watches have gone missing," Newt explained.

Tina frowned slightly. "Watches? That's not exactly the same as jewelry."

"I know, but I still think they're connected."

"Do you know what house the boys are in?" she asked.

"Yes, it's Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw," Tina murmured. She stared at her notes but she didn't see them. Her mind was reeling. She agreed with Newt. This was related. This was the third house something had vanished from, even if what had vanished was different.

"Do you think they're connected?" Newt asked.

Tina nodded. "I do, yeah."

"Then that means there's one person who can get into each of these dormitories and it's most likely a girl since she was able to get into a boys' dormitory."

"So? It could still be a boy."

Newt glanced at her. "Boys can't get into a girls' dormitory. Didn't you know that?"

Tina shook her head so Newt went on.

"It's always been like that. Anyway, it makes sense for a girl to steal jewelry but why would she steal boys' watches?"

"Maybe it's a group of people working together," Tina suggested.

"I hadn't thought of that," Newt exclaimed. "I mean, it's possible, isn't it?"

Tina considered her own suggestion then she shook her head. "No, I don't think it's likely. It is possible but why would a group of people be working to steal cheap jewelry and watches? I mean, why would anyone want to steal these things?"

Newt frowned slightly.

"Maybe we should just do our homework," Tina suggested.

"Right. Can I see your notes?"

Tina handed him her notes. She didn't ask where his were. He had probably lent them to Leta as he often did.

A few more weeks went by and nothing was stolen. Tina spent nearly all her free time puzzling over the issue. She didn't understand how it was possible for one person to steal things from dormitories in multiple houses. Of course, all the Professors had access to all the dormitories but she knew it couldn't be one of them.

When We Were Young: Year OneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant