Chapter 3

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Tina and Elizabeth managed to make it down to the Great Hall while only getting lost twice. As Tina took her seat, she glanced around the Hall. She spotted Newt at the end of the Hufflepuff table. He sat with his head bent over his bowl. His hair kept her from seeing his face.

Tina took her seat and began eating her breakfast. As she took a bite of toast, about a hundred owls flew into the Great Hall. They circled the tables, carrying packages and letters for the students. Tina glanced in Newt's direction again. Just as she found him, he jumped up from his seat and ran out of the Great Hall, clutching something red in one hand.

Before Tina could process what had happened, an owl had landed on her shoulder.

"Hello, Feathers," she laughed, raising her hand for the owl to climb on.

"Feathers?" Elizabeth laughed.

Tina grinned. She knew the name was silly. Queenie had been the one to name the tawny owl. She had been two when their father had brought it home. He had her in a cage that had a cloth draped over it. The first sign of what was in the cage was a feather on their father's sleave. Queenie had found this and, when the cloth had been removed from the cage, she had shouted, "Feathers!" Everyone had laughed and the name stuck.

As Tina explained this, she took the letter from Feather's beak. She broke a corner of her toast off and gave it to the owl who took it and flew off. She broke the seal of the envelope and pulled out the letter.

Dear Tina,

Mommy said I could write to you if I want. It's so strange here without you. I miss you already. I wish I could have gone to Hogwarts with you. At least I'm going next year.

I really hope you'll write back soon.



Dear Tina,

Queenie was determined to write a letter to you so I decided I might as well add a few lines to the bottom of it.

How was your first night away from home? What house were you put in and how did they sort you? Are the other girls in your house nice? Have you made any friends?

I can't wait to hear all about your first day. I hope you're having fun.

We all miss you. Daddy says hi.



Tina folded the letter and slipped it back into the envelope.

Eleanor was sitting across from Tina and had spent most of breakfast laughing with the twins. Now she leaned across the table and spoke in a loud whisper.

"I think Scamander got a Howler."

Tina frowned slightly.

"Who?" Elizabeth asked.

"Newton Scamander," Eleanor said. "The Hufflepuff." She put on a thoughtful look. "I wonder what his family thinks of him. All the Scamanders have been in Gryffindor for generations and then he gets put in the worst house."

"What do you mean by the worst house?" Elizabeth said.

eleanor rolled her eyes. "Don't you know anything? All the Hufflepuffs are losers. Everyone knows that."

"Hufflepuffs aren't losers," Tina cut in.

"How would you know? You don't even belong in this school."

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