Chapter 9

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Tina had written to her father and his reply had come a few days later, along with a relatively small box. Inside that box had been the cage she had asked for.

She and Newt were anxious to come up with a  plan but it was nearing the end of the year and final exams were approaching. Their teachers had begun assigning even more homework and all their time was taken by studying.

About a week before their exams were due to start, Newt and Tina were in the library, pouring over their notes. It was very late and Leta had already left, declaring it was time to go to bed. The only other people in the library were a few fifth-years studying for their OWL's and some seventh-years studying for their NEWT's.

Tina stifled a yawn, raising her hands to rub her eyes.

"I can't keep going," she muttered. "I'm falling asleep on my potions book."

Newt nodded. "So am I."

They began sorting through their notes and putting their things in their bags.

"So what are we going to do about the Niffler?" Tina asked as they worked.

"We need something shiny to use as bait. Then, once we've found it, we'd have to follow it to its burrow where it keeps everything it's stolen," Newt said.

"Well, I've got a few bracelets which aren't worth very much. We could use those," she offered.

"We might not be able to get them back."

Tina shrugged. "That's fine. When are we going to do this?"

"Tomorrow night?" he suggested. "It's a Friday and we don't have class the day after that."

Tina shrugged. "Sure."

"Okay then. Why don't you meet me outside the Hufflepuff common room at, say, eleven o'clock?"

"That should be fine."

They left the library and walked together until they came to a staircase. Then they said goodnight and Tina climbed the stairs. She made her way along the dimly lit hallways.

Suddenly, she felt something crash into her. She cried out as she fell backward. She felt something like a blanket being dragged over her and a hand was clapped over her mouth. She began to struggle but a voice whispered something in her ear.

"Don't move or we'll be seen."

Tina recognized the voice as John's. Reaching up, she pried his hand off her face.

"By what?" she whispered.

"Peeves," he hissed.

Tina frowned. She had heard stories about Peeves and how difficult he could be but she had only run into him a few times.


John's hand covered her mouth again so she kept quiet. A minute later, Peeves came floating along the hall. He swooped past them, only a few feet away. He continued down the hall, singing to himself.

Once he was out of sight, John lowered his hand and got to his feet. He pulled Tina off the ground and picked up her bag.

"How did he not see us?" she asked.

John held up the silvery fabric in his hand.

"Is that an Invisibility Cloak?" she gasped.


"Where did you get that?"

John moved closer to her and threw the Cloak over both of them. They began making their way back to Gryffindor tower.

When We Were Young: Year Oneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें