Chapter 1

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Tina moved closer to her parents as she glanced around the crowded station.

"Where exactly are we going?" she asked nervously.

"I'm not exactly sure, sweetie." Mrs. Goldstein rested her hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Right now we're going to platforms nine and ten. Then there's something to do with the barrier between them. We'll ask someone if we need to."

Presently, the reached the platforms and came to a stop.

"Now what?" Tina asked.

Queenie giggled from her perch on Tina's cart. "We ask them," she said, pointing to a family that was heading in their direction.

"What makes you think they know where to go?" Tina challenged.

"They're going the same place."

"How would you know?"

"They're thinking really loudly." Queenie frowned slightly. "Except for the youngest. He's kinda quiet."

Tina looked at the family in question. There were two boys pushing carts, followed by their mother.

"Well, it can't hurt." Tina's father led them to the other family. "Excuse me," he said. 

The woman turned.

"I'm sorry. I was wondering if you knew how to get to platform --"

"Nine and three-quarters?"

"Yes," Mr. Goldstein looked relieved. "You see, my wife and I went to school in America. We moved here a year ago and now our daughter is going to Hogwarts. Unfortunately, we were never told how to get onto the platform."

"Oh, of course. You just need to walk through the barrier between platforms nine and ten."

The older boy spoke.

"Mum, can I please go ahead, I  want to find my friends."

"All right, go ahead," the woman said.

Tina watched as the boy began pushing his cart towards the barrier but, just as he reached it, he vanished.

"So we just have to walk?" she asked.

"Go on, sweetie," Mrs. Goldstien said. "We'll be right behind you."

Tina nodded. Her grip on the cart tightened. Slowly, she began to move forward.

It'll be fine, she told herself. That boy did it. Besides, if that woman was lying, Queenie would have said something about it.

Queenie's voice broke through Tina's thoughts.

"Exactly. Now, can we go a little faster?"

Tina had reached the barrier She closed her eyes and took a step forward. When she didn't hit anything, she took another step and opened her eyes.

She stood on a busy platform. A bright, scarlet train sat on the tracks in front of her.

Tina's parents appeared behind her. "Come on, let's find you a seat," her father said.

They made their way down the platform until they found an empty compartment. While Mr. Goldstein hoisted Tina's trunk into the carriage, Mrs. Goldstein pulled Tina into a hug.

"I'm going to miss you," Tina murmured, struggling not to cry.

"I'll miss you too." Mrs. Goldstein pulled a package out of her bag and handed it to Tina. "I want you to use this."

Tina nodded and turned to her sister.

"I'll miss you too," Queenie said. Tina pulled her into a hug.

When We Were Young: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now