Those Dark Eyes

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Without us knocking, an older man swings the door open. My eyes grow big. He's somewhat buff and has tattoos. He has that same scary look in his eyes. This has to be his brother. Like I said, they both have that look in their eyes.

The guy looks at everyone. I think he's building a mental memory of everyone. Suddenly, he locks his eyes on me. Like he's seen me before.

"You must be Lea." He smiles.

Just like Cristian... I don't think I can do this. My chest is burning. My throat is closing up. I can't speak.

"Silent today?" He tilts his head. "Cristian tells me you're quite the screamer. To be honest, I don't see it."

I take a step back. Is this normal for them? Doing things like this to girls? If it is... there has to be more women out there who's been abused by the both of them. Who the hell showed them this? Someone had to have taught them.

I can just feel myself freaking out. I must be controlling it well because no one has reminded me to breathe or to calm down. This was a mistake. I don't feel safe at all.

"I'm Chris and that's Jason. We're her older brothers." Chris introduces. "We talked on the phone recently. Today's the day we ask your... brother... what the hell happened."

"Who's that?" He points at James.

"I'm your worst nightmare." James says with a serious expression.

Cristian's brother nods slowly. He doesn't look intimidated, though. At least James tried.

"Alright, as long as no cops or court or... anything like that is involved, you can come in." He shrugs.

No. Chris can't agree to this just to get a stupid story. A story I can clearly explain to them all myself, no worries. All they'd have to do is take it easy and let me speak on my own. Jason needs to object at some point. We need to tell the cops about this next. That's the only way we'll get true justice.

"Deal." Chris nods.


"Well then... come on in." He opens the door wider. "I'm Alexander, by the way."
"Can I offer you some juice? Soda? Water?" Alexander smiles.

I haven't spoken a word. I don't think I will. I should've brought something to protect myself with. A pocket knife maybe? Dylan would certainly own one of those.

"We're fine." James frowns.

I don't understand how Alexander could have such a calm approach to everything. Was he told a different story? We all make our way to the couch. I choose to sit in the corner. I always loved the arm rest. I need to think about other things. Distractions. If not, I'd have to focus on this huge knot tied in my stomach right now. I feel so nauseous.

"Can we get started? Where's your brother?" Jason questions.

"Touching up his hair. He was so pleased to hear Lea coming over. Let's just say he has a mini crush." Alexander sits on a chair.

I can feel James tense up. I bet he doesn't like the thought of Cristian and I together. I don't either. Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up. I'd hate being in such a scary relationship. I'd probably never figure a way out of it.

Anyway, what the hell is going on in this house? There's something wrong. I can feel it. They have to be insane. Where are their parents?

"This isn't a date." Chris says, sternly.

"You're right. I'll go see what's holding him up." Alexander sighs and makes his way up the stairs.

I grab Jason's arm, fast. I'm so scared, I can't breathe. What if he knocks us out? We don't have a clue about what they're capable of. We don't even know them. Maybe we should've left things the way they were. Maybe I should've spoken about what happened. We could've avoided this...

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