Private Archipelago (18+)

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Sorry for the long wait. Wanted to make a cute Sontails sketch to go with this chapter.
WARNING: Contains Sex.

"Hey, Sonic! When are you going to wake up!?"
Sonic could hear Amy's voice ringing in his ear.

"Aww no, let them sleep! I think they look cute together." Cream replied.

"Sonic! Tails! Are you two gonna make me breakfast or what!" Knuckles demanded.

The blue hedgehog woke up to the sound of people talking all around him while he was laying on the couch.
"Ugh.. wh- what time is it." He said groggily.

Sonic went to stand up, but felt a weight on his lap holding him down.
'... Oh sh@#, Tails must have fallen asleep on the couch with me last night' He thought.

Standing around them was Amy, Shadow, Knuckles, Cream, and Rouge.

"Do you mind telling us how Tails got here last night?" Shadow said, crossing his arms.

Sonic's face became red as he tried to wake the sleeping fox laying on him.

"Mmh, Sonic, can you turn the TV off." The fox mumbled.
Tails then jolted upward when he saw that everybody was looking at them.
"Uhhh, hi everyone." He said meekly.

"What's wrong Tails, you look a little flustered." Rouge said, teasingly.

The fox did not respond.

"Do you mind telling us why you and Sonic were sleeping together on the couch?"
Shadows face was eager.

Sonic decided to speak up.
"Well, you see, last night me and Tails we..."

"Zip it, Sonic!" Shadow interrupted.
"Let the fox speak for himself."

It did not take Tails long to think of an excuse, even with everyone around him, silently waiting.
"Um, not to be rude Shadow, but... Um

"Well, spit it out!" The dark hedgehog said.

"...Sorry, but you kinda snore a lot in your sleep, so I just went to to go sleep on the couch with Sonic."
Tails finished.

Immediately, everyone started bursting out in laughter, and Sonic became relieved.

Shadow did not look amused, and his face was a light shade of pink.
"Hah, hilarious." He said sarcastically.

"Ohh lighten up Mr. Shadow, you know that was at least a little funny." Cream said innocently.

"*Sigh* whatever, aren't these two supposed to make us breakfast or something."

"Yeah!! Where is my Breakfast! It's almost 1:00 and all I've had is a sandwich!!"
Knuckles becomes very agitated when he doesn't get his food.

"Don't worry you guys," Vector said while in the kitchen. "Me and Charmy are making the best pancakes and eggs you guys will have ever eaten."

"Yeah! You're taste buds will be amazed!!"
Charmy said.

"Oh oh, let me help!" Amy replied enthusiastically.

While everyone was walking over to the kitchen, Sonic and Tails stayed on the Couch and giggled like idiots to each other.

"Thanks for the save back their buddy, I thought we were done for."

"Heh. Don't worry about it. It was my fault that we were even almost caught."

"Well you sure got us out of it."
Sonic brought his hand up and brushed the side of the foxes face.

Tails then looked at Sonic with seductive eyes.
"So, are you ready to go on that 'Adventure' we talked about?" He whispered.

Sontails- Time ApartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang