Why are they here!?!

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Chloe accepted Sonic and Tails apology, and all three went back to being friends, although Sonic made sure to stay away from her emotional side.

Later they asked her if she wanted to go play volleyball, but Chloe refused and said she would probably be working with her dad more often.

'Thank god.' Sonic thought. 'Now she'll never suspect that me and Tails are dating.'

About a week had gone by and they both kept the same routine, remembering to give each other enough attention throughout the day.

A thought had loomed in the back of Tails head for a while now, but he had always been to afraid to ask Sonic.

Today was the day he would finally ask him.

"Uh, Sonic?" Tails said to the hedgehog sitting on the couch.
"Would you ever consider us going back home again...you know... Our original home?"

Sonic's attention turned away from the screen. His expression was puzzling.

"Uhh, why would we need to go back there?"
The hedgehog was layed back against Tails with his legs crossed.

"Well, I kinda miss the old place and all the friends we had. Plus, they could have just come back from that vacation and are now looking for us."

Sonic thought for a second and then spoke.
"You're forgetting one giant problem with that. If we went back to our old home than that means the government would try to recruit us to work for them again."

Tails now looked upset.
"Yeah well, I just don't know if we are right for this place. It's pretty and all, but I don't think we really fit in with these people."

Sonic sat up from the couch and looked at the sad fox. He hated seeing Tails like this, and always kinda felt like it was his fault.

The hedgehog then wrapped his arms around Tails and pulled him into his chest.

"Hey, everything will be ok. If you really want to go back home, then let's go back. When I'm with you and you're with me, we can stand up against any challenge."

Tails looked up at the hedgehog and smiled.
"Heh, You always know how to make me feel better."

The fox brought his hand behind Sonic's head and pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
Sonic closed his eyes and pulled him in tighter.

Suddenly, they were interrupted by the sound of a extremely load boat horn, that caused the treehouse to shake.

They both ran over to the window to see what it was.

"What the-!?! Is that a cruise ship!?" Sonic said.

"Yeah, it is. Why would a cruise ship come to this island?"

"I guess people are here on vacation."

"Yeah, but I thought this place was supposed to be a remote island." Tails looked at Sonic confused.

"I don't know, but I want to go take a closer look."
Sonic jumped out of the window and sped across the beach towards the ship.

"Hey Sonic! Wait for me!!"
Tails grabbed his shoes and chased after him.

When they had arrived at the boat port they had just made it in time for a mass of people to be leaving the ship.

"Uh... Is there a hotel on this island that can hold all these people?" Sonic asked Tails.

"Actually, we do have a hotel, but I don't know if it can hold all of these people."

"Heh, I guess there must be plenty of Airbnb's to rent out." Sonic said putting his hand on his hip.

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