What's with the face?

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After Tails left, Sonic almost immediately became bored. He began exploring Tails house and noticed something weird. The room had the same layout as his and Tails old house back at home.

"Gosh! even the book case has all the same books in it. All except this one." Sonic pulled out the unknown book and jolted back when the entire shelf started moving inside the wall to reveal a staircase.

"Of course Tails would have a hidden room inside of his treehouse."

Down the stairs led to Tails workshop, which looked bigger than the entire house itself.
On his workbench there were three pictures of him and Sonic. One of the pictures was exclusively of just Sonic.
"So I guess he did miss me. Wonder why he wouldn't come home?" Sonic thought.

After a few minutes of exploring, Sonic heard the door bell ring up stairs.
"Who could that be?"

The hedgehog headed back upstairs and remembered to close the shelf behind him. He opened the door to find a younger girl fox with yellow hair standing there.

"Hey Tails I wanted to see if... oh you're not Tails."
"No, my name's Sonic. Tails went to the village to buy food, he should be back here shortly."

"Oh ok, well could you tell my Tails that the volleyball game is tomorrow? Thanks, bye!"
And with that she left.

Sonic closed the door and made a confused face, "What do you mean your Tails." He murmured to himself.

A few minutes later Tails arrived home, and flew up to his tree house holding bags of food.
"I hope Sonic doesn't think this fruit is to exotic."

He opens the door to find Sonic on the couch watching TV. "Hey. Did you do anything while I was gone?"
"Actually yes, some girl came over here and wanted to tell you about a volleyball game."
"Oh, you mean Chloe. She's one of my friends that lives down in the village."

"Wow, I didn't know you had already replaced me. Or maybe she's just your girlfriend?" Sonic said sarcastically.

"Ugh shut up" said tails, with a flustered face.
Tails never actually thought of him and Chloe as dating, and the thought of it made him feel weird.

"Look, I don't know if you would actually like any of the food I bought, so I thought we could go down to one of the restaurants and eat... If you're cool with that."

"Yeah sure, why not" Sonic said calmly.

"Great, I can introduce you to all of the village people that thought you were dead."
They both laughed at this and later started heading towards the village.

The island itself was rather small, but the one urban area that people lived in made it seem like a resort. There were plenty of shops and restaurants to go around. And in the center of it all was a monument.

Sonic and Tails arrived at the restaurant in about 10 minutes (of course they were not running). The place was seafood themed and had more outdoor than indoor eating room.
They got a seat in the back with a clear view of the ocean, and in no time at all a waiter was at their table.

"Well, hello Tails, it's been about a week since you eaten here, hasn't it."

"You know I only come hear on special occasions." Tails replied.

"Yes, and I see you brought your sea stranded friend with you too."

"Hey, I'm just happy I miraculously didn't drown out there." Sonic replied.

The waiter took their orders and headed back into the kitchen leaving them alone.

"So, I'm guessing you're pretty well known around here, right?" Sonic said.

"I guess you could say that. I just try to be nice to everybody and help out in any way I can."

"Figures. You were always like that at home and everybody seemed to like you for it."
This caused Tails to blush, which Sonic took notice of.

'Tails has changed a bit hasn't he. Physically and in is reactions towards me' Sonic thought.

Over the year that they had been apart, Tails was the one that changed the most. He appeared to be taller, not as tall as Sonic, and had naturally become slimmer. (Don't worry, he is still cute.)

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask. How is your partnership with the military going?" Tails asked.

"Um... well... It's a weird relationship. They only ever need for the most dangerous jobs, which is hardly ever."

"Is that why you were out in the middle of ocean?" Tails asked.

"Y-Yeah, but that's classified material that I wish I could tell you about." Sonic was persistent on not telling Tails about the Eggman base.

His unwillingness to not tell Tails made him feel like Sonic couldn't trust him.
'why does Sonic act so strange every time I bring up this mission.' Tails thought.

To break the awkward silence, Sonic brought up another topic.
"So what's going on with you and your plane? I know you have to keep that thing around here somewhere."

This comment seemed to exhilerate Tails, as he was always happy to talk about technology.
While he was going on about all the new advancements he made, Sonic noticed something he had never noticed before.
'Has he always been this cute? And if so, why haven't I seen this before?'

Tails stopped talking mid sentence after he noticed the loving eyes Sonic was giving him. His face became flustered and he darted his eyes down at the floor away from the hedgehog.

"Heh... What's with the face." Tails murmured

"...Oh, it's nothing... Hey look our food's here." Sonic said nervously.

Their attention turned to the food. For the majority of the the time they ate in silence. Sonic was genuinely surprised with how good the food was.

"I can see why you only come here sparingly, I would never want to get bored of this place."

"Right? Glad you like it though. I was worried you would think the food here was too exotic." Replied Tails.

"I'm sure if my best friend likes it, than I would probably like it too. Though, I'm not sure about your obsession with mints."
They both laughed at this and shortly after left the restaurant

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