Part 1 - The Funeral

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A/N: I be making my own rules for how secret keepers work because fuck canon I don't understand half of Jkr's rules! I know more about Dumbledore's sex life than I do about secret keepers, okay I'll shut up, please enjoy part 1!!)

Word Count: 2.5k

Warnings: None, aside from mention of death? But that's sort of a given.

The church bells rang loudly filling the silent room. Tears fell numbly down the girl's face and she squeezed her hands together to keep herself calm, though everyone around her probably felt the exact same way.

She spared a glance up at the two caskets, their bodies lying inside but she couldn't bear to look at them. In a weird sort of backwards totally unlucky luck, they were killed by the killing curse which leaves no visible marks on the body. This was somehow worse, they probably looked like they were sleeping, looked like they were completely okay.

If she walked up to the caskets and looked at them it wouldn't look much different from when they fell asleep on the couch on movie nights, or what they looked like in the early hours of the morning when Harry was first born and she would go over to visit them to find they had been sleeping on the couch all night, in each other's lazy embrace.

"The Potters are survived by their son Harry Potter, who could not be here today, as well as their cousin Y/n Potter and many friends who have gathered here today to remember them." A man spoke at the front of the room, Y/n winced at the mention of her name, she didn't want any attention brought on her.

Lily and Y/n had connected so fast, and she and James had always been close, they were each other's only cousins after all. With James' parents and her parents long dead she was his only family member in attendance, this made her feel even more alone.

There was one other person in attendance that might feel as lonely as she did, but perhaps even more heartbroken.

The story was everywhere, Y/n had heard it from whispers in the street and in news headlines. James and Lily were killed by Voldemort, they were in hiding which she was aware of, but Harry had survived. The worst part was that it was their friend Sirius, Harry's godfather who she had met on occasion, was their secret keeper. This meant it must have been him who gave them away to the Dark Lord, she had heard things about the Black family so she wasn't at all surprised.

After giving away their secret he went and killed another one of their close friends, Peter Pettigrew. She couldn't finish reading the news article that explained how gruesome it was. This left their other friend Remus, who was currently sat one row behind her, alone.

She couldn't imagine how that would feel. He had no one, he had lost so many people at once and just the thought of it broke her heart. She had heard that many of their other somewhat close friends had died recently too, that girl Marlene who was always super friendly to her when she was around and made her feel welcome. She had heard what had happened to Alice and Frank, the cute couple who had a baby Harry's age, she wondered what would happen to their son now, after what terrible torture they had been put through.

She kept staring at the wall to her left, avoiding looking at the front of the room and avoiding looking behind her. Remus was sat with his back hunched over like usual, trying to hide from the peering eyes. The eyes of people who knew, they knew every detail of his current life, they felt bad for him, they hugged him tight even though they barely knew him, they shook his hand, directed their empty apologies at him.

He got a weird amount of attention at the funeral, so did she. The two of them served as the only close friends or family members who showed up. Lily's parents were dead and her sister, who had gotten custody of Harry, didn't bother to show up, meaning Harry wasn't there to get any of the doting attention either. It was like a spotlight had been cast on her and Remus as the people for everyone to pass their condolences onto, it was unfair and really too much to handle for either of them at this point.

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