Eating limit: cannibal (only eats organs), vegetarian, can't drink milk (otherwise pukes blood)

Languages: (american) english, german, polish (she speaks polish with her Family)

Other: She's emo

Hey! My name is Cecilia Hammerson, I am 14 years old, I live in Salt Lake City and my life was shit before I met Slenderman.
Do you want to know why my life was shit? Well then I'll tell you.

Starting with being separated from my brother and Father when I was 6 ... And that's because my Mummy cheated or something and then my dad almost killed me and my brother with a car accident. I mean, we didn't die, Right? Also I didn't see my brother much because School, college, he started being busy with doing something with his Friends and well our dad was always exaggerating but it never ended that bad..
I'll tell you more about it later. Anyway, since then my life began to become more and more shitty, because I no longer had anyone to protect me. My brother was always there for me.. He protected me even though he also got bullied with stuff like "nerd" or "Harry potter" because he had round glasses or always when someone lost something they were like "Jackson probably stole it" only because we're from Poland.. and he had a weird boyfriend named Jack Mounsky or so.. I never liked him he treated him like garbage and always cheated on him.. but he didn't give a shit about any of that.. mainly I was fine. However, My mum became an alcoholic and addicted to drugs after that, in primary school I was always called fat, ugly, slut and stuff... They also told me every day that I should kill myself because no one needs me... (And this was with the age of  8! WTH IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD?!) I was also beaten and kicked by everyone. Then I had less and less friends and started to get more and more quiet ...

but... Do you think anyone cared? Do you think anyone asked why I am like that or how I'm doing? nope. NOBODY. That's also why I have depression ... I didn't know it when I was 8, of course, only when I was 12 but still ...

At the age of 10 I finally came to a new school! actually in the same as my only and best friend! I was so happy because I thought that my life can only get better! Hehe... It was a mistake to think that ... On my first day of school, I walked in with a smile and said hi to my  "BFF " with a hug. She was equally happy that I come into her class. At first everything was still good and I thought my life is really getting better now! But then ... I started talking less again because my depression still didn't want to leave me alone .. Everyone started thinking of me that I was weird and then calling me fat, ugly, hoe, Psycho again... Wtf ...

From then on everything got worse again ... My alleged  "Best friend forever" had also decided that she would be too cool for me and started to treat me with her Friends like shit .. After 2 years, I started to cut myself, just sitting in my room and crying and sometimes not going to school as well. At one point it bothered my teacher and she called my mum. I tried to hear what they say, but I couldn't even hear what my mother answered because I'm deaf as hell. (my mum didn't know much english but gladly she understood most of it. She's Nothing without dad..) When they finished talking, my mum called me and I went to her. She screamed at me why I haven't been at school for weeks. I was calm at first and didn't want to say anything, but then I decided to tell her my opinion.  "Are you serious? Now you're asking so stupid? I'VE BEEN BULLIED SINCE I WAS 8! I don't know what happened before, because you keep telling me I had a car accident and don't want to remember what happened. But now honestly DIDN'T YOU EVER NOTICE HOW SHITTY I FEEL?! DIDN'T YOU EVER SEE THE CUTS ON MY ARMS OR HEAR ME CRY?!Oh it doesn't even interest you cuz ALL YOU'RE INTERESTED IN ARE YOUR SHIT ALCOHOL AND YOUR FUCKING DRUGS!!" Without saying anything else, I ran offended into my room. I heard her following me and calling my name but then she went downstairs again. After that I became tired and fell asleep. The next year I sometimes still didn't go to school and my mum didn't even talk to me anymore ... Was my Confession too exaggerated?

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