Chapter 21

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"Let's go get some food in your belly" He carefully helped me out of the bed.

Jeff and I both made our way downstairs to get something to eat. That assailant better not show its face.

Jeff was concerned when I didn't eat as much as he thought.

"Can't you take one more bite?" He questioned with a frown. I shook my head furiously.

"Come on princess... please. You need to eat more." He begged, holding a forkful of waffles.

"I already ate half of them..." I groaned holding my stomach. He stared at me holding the fork by my mouth.

I sighed and took the forkful of waffles. He smiled more than usual. "That's my girl." He kissed my forehead.

It took me a while to chew, but I did it. "Now, do you think you're okay to start training today?" He questioned with a slightly concerned look.

I nodded my head. "I'm okay. Slender Man healed me up so I should be fine." I told him. He gave me a skeptical look but nodded nonetheless.

He walked me to my room and let me get changed and he went into his to change as well.  I put on my black leggings and my black cami. I brushed my hair and tied it up.

I left my room and met Jeff in the hallway. He grinned at me. He laced his fingers with mine and we walked down the stairs and out the back door.

Of course, everyone was already out there and training, deeming Jeff and I as late.

"There's the love birds!" Clockwork chirped. I blushed a deep red and Jeff just sauntered through the crowd, holding my hand.

"Seems like you're all better now Kit!" Ben called and winked like the little perv he is.

"Yay Kit's all better!" Sally squealed. My heart felt happy about how many people were cheering for my return.

Slender Man then joined us in the back yard.

"A word with you Kit, please." His voice echoed in my head. I nodded and followed him away from the crowd.

"I don't want you to say anything to Jeff, but I know who attacked you and I have disposed of them." Slender Man told me.

"It was her, wasn't it? I don't see her here." I told him, knowing he knew who I meant.

"Indeed it was, child. Speak nothing of it to anyone, especially Jeff." He reminded me.

"I won't. You have my word." I replied. He nodded his head and we went to train with the rest of the creepypastas.

After training all day, we went inside to get dinner. Slender Man had left training a little early to prepare a meal for us. It was easy to say, none of us were disappointed.

"Wow Slendy! You really outdid yourself this time!" Jeff called as he piled food on his plate. We were all eating happily until Sally broke the soft chatter and the clinging of forks and plates.

"Kit when are you and Jeffy getting married?" As soon as the words came out of her mouth everyone went silent and stared right at me.

Jeff started choking on his food and Hoodie was patting his back trying to knock the food out of Jeff's windpipe.

"Er... Sally... I'm not quite sure." I admitted with a shy tone.

"Oh. Well I want to be the flower girl." She giggled.

At this point, Jeff was drinking water after he finished choking. He stood up abruptly afterwards and walked out of the kitchen.

"Was it something I said?" Sally squeaked. I shook my head with a small smile and I went after Jeff.

I found him outside by the lake we sit at. I sat beside him next to the water. I started to rub his back to soothe him. I knew it helped because his tension released as soon as I started.

"What was that reaction for?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders. "C'mon Jeff. Tell me." I coaxed him.

He shook his head and sighed. "I just don't know if I'll be a good husband. I don't want you to end up regretting the one thing in life that I've been looking forward to since we've been together." He fiddled with his fingers.

"Jeff." I giggled lightly. He looked at me confused. "You're not the only one that is afraid of not being enough." I told him as I took his hands in mine.

"I think we are both scared of letting each other down. But I don't think that will happen because I love you and you love me, right?" I asked.

He nodded his head. I kissed his cheek and ran my hand through his hair.

"I love you princess." He said to me. "I love you too Jeff." I replied as I leaned in and kissed his lips. He kissed me back and pulled away with a grin.

"Pack your bags. We are going on a trip." Jeff told me as he quickly stood up and pulled me with him.

"What? Right now?" I questioned. "Yes, right now. Hurry up." He ran back to the house. I stood there for a moment before my legs carried me back to the mansion.

I went up to my room and grabbed one of the suitcases my clothes came in. I packed up casual stuff and a fancy dress in case anything special was planned.

I also threw in a lingerie outfit that clockwork had got me in case, (as she put it) Jeff and I wanted to "get freaky".

My face turned red when I saw it laying in my suitcase so I buried it under everything else. I put in necessities and a bathing suit.

I had no clue where we were going so I packed almost everything that I could possibly need. I had two suitcases and a carry on bag.

"Jeff? Where are you?" I asked as I exited my room. I peaked into his room and didn't see him there. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

There he was, in all his glory. I smiled as he pecked my cheek with his lips. "Let's go." He grabbed my hand and dragged me down the stairs.

There was a car in front of the mansion, an SUV to be exact. Jeff's bags were already in the car and he stuffed mine in the trunk as well.

"We will be back in like a week." Jeff called to everyone who was smiling from the front of the mansion.

Jeff ushered me to the passenger side of the car and I got in. I buckled myself up as he closed the door and went over to the drivers side.

Soon enough, we were off to an unknown destination. I wonder where he is taking me?

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