Chapter 15 (Invasion)

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-Steves POV-

-Book and quill log#1-

Notch traded some fish for emeralds today and he gave me this book. I use to write on dirt blocks last time but now I have something to write on and for the first entry.

It was just like everyday. Mob battles at night and farming and preparing everything you need to survive every single day. Its not boring since I dont try to strive alone. I have friends and also I have everything I need to survive. Our Food supplies was the most stable of all the supplies but our greatest worries are the ores. Herobrine is bringing less coals than the normal. He dont actually mine a lot, just explores the cave and only get whats needed but the supplies is still tough. We ended up using charcoal that we trade from the villagers for some fishes luckily Notch was a good in fishing which makes the trading less difficult for us. Im in charge of the farm where we yield most of our back up foods like bread and melon. Well thats how things work in our house which is fine for all of us since we do something we like everyday. For now im the one in charge of the house.Fending off zombies and cooking and.....

I heard footsteps on our old wood floor which indicates that someone just came. I prepared a sword as usual for self defence since thats what Herobrine told me to do. I walk slowly and take a peek to find only Notch holding a bucket of fish and some other stuffs that might have come from fishing. Notch looks tired which looks normal for along time of fishing but today he looks different and he looks weaker that usual.

Steve: Whats with that face bro

Notch: Oh nothing. Its just that....

Steve: that what?

Notch: I have been attacked by a villager looking guy. He is wearing a purple robe and armed with bottles. He hit me up pretty good but I accidentally fish something. Its also a bottle but when I hit it to myself I suddenly feel better and I was able to out run it

Steve: lucky for you. You found a potion while fishing anyway that villager you where sayin does not belong in the village. You might have encountered a witch. Next time be careful none of the villager knows about the origin of witches and no one has ever tried to talk to them since they are armed with potions that can poison or kill

Notch: Sounds really scary. How about herobrine? Is he home yet

Steve: Not yet. you know him, always mining and digging and also don't worry about him he can handle himself.

Herobrine: I'm back. Is dinner ready?

Steve: welcome back Herobrine, Dinner is ready. we will new eating mushroom stew for tonight.

Herobrine: Ok im fine with that. Hey notch you look sick, what happen?

Notch: Witch encounter, A witch hit me with his or is it a her....... oh well as long as a witch throw some potions to me. Don't worry im ok already.

Herobrine: hehe next time be extra careful anyway lets eat. I'm starving and I feel so tired.

Steve: ok ok heres your plate and start eating.

Notch: I want more

Herobrine: me too. I want more.

Notch and Herobrine: More more more more more more.

Steve: ok ok shut up already. Here's one for you and here's one for you. ok that's all.

Notch: how about you? Your done eating?

Herobrine: wait did you just have us your food? awww big brother your so kind. and for your kindness heres a new seed I found for you.

Steve: wow really? what seed?

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