Chapter 8 (The village)

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Herobrines POV
The sunlight struck my face waking me up. I saw steve awake and on full iron armor and a bow ready. steve prefer long range. than short range sword. Steve toss me some armor. I wear them and grab some meat to eat.
"Herobrine whatever is out there we wont kill. If they hurt us we kill ok."
"dont worry bro I wont kill." steve was a bit right. I have a feeling they would be peaceful since why they did not attack us. They should have raided us if they are bad. steve opens the trap door.
"Are you ready bro."
steve was excited to know them. he place the ladders and went down.
"Its safe bro, come down"
I followed steve. I ready my sword.

Steves POV
I grab my bow and ready my arrows. as we came closer our destination I grab my bow even stronger. Thats when this stranger came out of nowhere.
herobrine almost stab the guy but I stopped him. The guy screamed and attract the others attention. almost everyone was whispering to each other. Herobrine let his sword down when a guy with long protruding nose that wear a white clothing came. The guy in white looks the same with the others. They all have long noses but wear different colored clothes.
"Who are you, What brings you here in our village."
The guy who looks like there leader spoke with authority.
"Are you here to kill us all like the rotten once at night."
"No where travelers. We are not here to kill. We are here to look for a new place to stay."
Steve's kind voice seems to work on the leader.
"Very well then go build you house. We have no spare house for you to live. I suggest you build your own."
"Wait is there any caves here where you can mine."
Herobrine ask there leader seriously.
"yes there is one. It is where the rotten once come out. We stay away from that cave no matter what. It would be a danger entering there."
"Yes dont worry we can kill them, please allow us to enter that cave"
herobrine is seriously looking on the eyes of the leader.
"Very well we are not liable of what will happen to you. Go build a shelter to hide. the sun is almost setting."
"We have a house, that tower over there is ours, tomorrow we will build one here."
We left the village to go back to our tower. I crafted two stone pick axe and one iron pick axe. Herobrine crafted his own stuffs for tomorrow.
"Dont forget the torches bro."
Herobrine reminded me of something I almost forgot. I crafted a stack of torch and prepare the two stack of cook pork. As the sun set the place is getting darker.
sorry for the short chapter bros. I use my phone for typing thats why I get many errors. sorry if there are wrong grammars.

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