Chapter 17 (Start From Scratch)

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Herobrines POV

Why is it pitch black........ I can't see any other color but some green codes. They are everywhere. Thin strands of codes float around. I saw I light where the strands started to enter, I was being pulled through it but then another force pulled me and pulled me, dragging me and stopping me from entering the hole where strand of codes are going then I was back to the reality. Everything was blurry, after a few seconds then my eyes adjust, I tried to stand but to no avail I failed, I can feel a soft cotton on my back which means I'm on a bed but I'm too tired to move, I recognize Notch's voice as he talked to the villagers, I positioned my head to the side and saw Steve on the other bed, sleeping. He looks like his in pain because he started moaning but then one of the villager started walking towards him carrying a bottle, the villager carefully placed the bottle on Steve's mouth. I saw Steve starting to calm down and go back to sleep. The villager noticed me and started calling Notch.

Notch: Herobrine? Herobine? Are you awake,

Villager: His still down, let's wait for him to fully recover

Then the villager gave me a bottle with a pink liquid, I drank it slowly and I felt calm and drifted back to sleep....................

Notch POV

Defending this small settlement is hard, Villagers started digging a hole as their temporary shelter while other adults guard the base, I crafted some fence gate and some walls to protect us but some mobs seems to be smarter since they started attacking in groups as if they have a formation. Some of the adults volunteered to mine to be able to create more defensive buildings and some for houses. The fences were great for defending against zombies but the skeleton can shoot through the fences so we decided to change it to cobblestone. We are short on everything. The melons we have are not enough to feed 10 families and we are currently low other stuffs as well. The destroyed crops isn't helping either, so some other farmer started to breed the pigs for more supplies but waiting for it to grow takes time.

Herobrine: ughhh how long was i sleeping?

Notch: Oh Herobrine your awake! Actually you were down for 2 days and we are in a tight situation. We are low on food, no shelter, low on resources and we are dealing with more mobs than usual.

Herobrine: really? How about our house is it ok?

Notch: Umm actually it's burned down to the ground. The ghast burned it down to be exact.

Steve: Ughh what the heck just happen. Every part of my body seems to ache

Herobrine: Steve you're finally awake!!

Notch: Steve!! Are you alright, still having some pain in the body?

Steve: yeah. Its a good thing that the potion still works. Without it I might be dead already but im still not feeling well. Im going to rest first.

Notch: Yeah me too. I havent slept for quite a while.

Herobrine: oh well i guess the duty is on me.

As the night pass, the settlement was safe, no mobs attacked and it was peaceful.

-Next Day-

Steve's POV

It was morning. I woke up to the smell of smoke and the noise of the surviving livestock. The new settlement that notch made has really tall walls and some cracked walls that might have came from the ruins of the villager. The remaining villagers started to work together to maintain the village, some villagers act as farmers, some are miners and the remaining male villagers act as the guards. I checked the chest for some cobblestones and found plenty. I got some of the cobblestone and continued and redesign some portion of the walls. I added some pathways above the walls so the villagers can see what is outside and I also made some watch towers for easy surveillance. From the watchtower, our house can be seen. Our house was burned down and so is the village. Huge craters marked the land and the only stable structure in there was the portal. As I stare at the portal, memories came crashing in my head. The fire, the burning villagers and the sight of those pigmen made my head ache. The memory that struck me most was the burning villagers. They don't deserve to die slowly and painfully, I can still remember the hellish scream of pigmen and villagers that night. I kneel down and grab my aching head while staring at our old house I think I'm going insane.

Herobrine's POV

Steve's bed was empty which means he is out and well. I went out of our small hut and noticed some architectural improvements. There are also some watch towers and a better wall than the one that Notch made. I asked some villagers to know where steve was and they don't know where he went. All they know was that he got some cobblestone and started building stuffs. I roamed the small settlement and went to the watchtowers that Steve made. From the watchtower, every part of the settlement can also be observed from here and so is the old village. As I look at the ruins. Some of the most horrible memories came crashing in. I did not let any of these memories bother me though. As I continue observing I saw the familiar skyblue t shirt. I went down and went out of the village running towards Steve.

Herobrine: Steve, what are you doing here?

Steve: Why does it all have to happen?

Herobrine: What do you mean Steve?

Steve: Why do they have to die? Why did I not protect them, Why WHY!!!

Herobrine: Steve are you alright?

I approach Steve and grab him by his shoulder and I get an unexpected reaction. Steve prepared his bow and aimed at my head.

Herobrine: Steve. Its me Dont worry Its just me

Steve started crying and he dropped his bow. I ran towards him to comfort him. And to bring him home

Herobrine: Its not and never your fault Steve, you know it.

Steve fainted im my arms. I can feel his pain as i carried him home

-Authors Note-

Hi there. Its me your lazy author and now here is a new chapter for you guys. Sorry for not uploading for quite a while. I would like to tell you guys that i finally graduated High school and Im going to take architecture on college. Thank you guys for the support and also thanks for adding my crappy stories in your reading list. Dont forget to like the new chapter and suggest some ideas to make the story better :D

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