Blue: Guess it's the end of the road... Later, Orange...

Ellie: No!

Blue turned to dust as well.

Orange: BLUE!

Shining Nova: Crap... Crap... Crap...!

SniperTheFox: This is bad... This is REALLY bad...

(Back with you...)

(Y/N): What just happened to Flame?!

Infinite was hugging Crystalonetta tightly.

Scourge: Hey, Angel?

Angelina: Yes, Scourge...?

Scourge: I feel... Weird.

Infinite: Oh no... 

Meggy: Scourge...

(Y/N): You're gonna die...

Angelina: WHAT?!

Scourge: Ah, man...

Angelina: Wait, Scourge! Look at me! Look at-

Scourge turned to dust, as his remains rode the wind.

Crystalonetta: Big bro... N-no...

Comet was just frozen in place.

Luna: I'll go check on little big bro...

(Y/N): We're coming with you...

ReaderFromWR: You go on ahead... I need to comfort Angelina...

(With Francis...)

Francis: Yeah, piss off you hunks of junk!

Rexy let out a small growl.

Francis: Rexy...?

Rexy was slowly turning to dust.

Francis: No... No... No, no no...

Rexy fell to the floor, and turned to dust.

Francis: Rexy... No...

Doc: Francis... I'm sorry for your loss...

Trapper: Uhhh... Doc...?!

Doc: What is it-

Trapper exploded into dust.

Francis: Whoa!


(In Inkopolis...)

SMG4: Looks like that's the last of them.

Saiko: Yeah...

SB123 Saiko: Something's happening...

SB123 SMG4: *Gasp* Saiko! Y-you're-

SB123 SMG4 failed to finish his sentence, as SB123 Saiko turned to dust.

Mario: What the?!

Luigi: Oh... 

Mario looked at his brother, who was turning to dust.

Mario: Brother!

Luigi: M-mario...!


Luigi turned to dust, as Mario fell to the ground and started to cry.

SB123 Clauds: Luigi...!

(Back with you... Again...)

(Y/N): Infinite?

Infinite suddenly gasped.

Luna: Dad, are you okay?

Infinite: I-i sense... A lot of our friends... Their energy is gone...

(Y/N): WHAT?!

Meggy: This is a disaster... We're... We're losing now...

Luna: Shit... Shit...!

Amethyst: Big sis?

Deathwind: Huh?

Luna: Amethyst...?

Amethyst: I don't feel so good.

Sapphire: Are you alright?

Amethyst: I-i don't know what's happening... I-i'm...

Luna: Sis!

(Y/N): Amethyst!

Amethyst fell into Luna's arms, and hugged her tightly.

Meggy: (Y/N)... I'm getting scared...

You kissed Meggy on the lips to calm her down.

Amethyst: Luna... I don't wanna go... I don't want to go... Luna... 

Luna accidentally slipped, and Amethyst fell onto a large rock.

Luna: Little sis... Don't leave me...!

Amethyst: I-i'm sorry...

Luna watched as Amethyst slowly turned to dust, she reached out and tried to grab the dust, but stopped herself.

(Y/N): Oh no... Everyone is dying left and right... Francis... Please be okay...!

Infinite: Wario-man... You heartless monster...

SmeshBras123: W-what are we gonna do-

Cristina suddenly fell to the ground.

Lost: Cristina!

SmeshBras123: No no no... Not you... Too...!

Cristina: Smesh... Don't cry-

Infinite ran over to Cristina, and started to chant a spell in a different language.

SmeshBras123: Huh...?

(Y/N): What's he saying?

Meggy: I have no idea.

Infinite finished chanting, as Cristina was completely restored.

Cristina: Whoa...

Turlandb: Infinite, what was that?

Infinite: I focused a lot of power, and turned it into healing energy. It luckily worked...

SmeshBras123 and Cristina hugged Infinite.

Infinite: At least you two and everyone else are okay...

Machito: We need to meet up with everyone else...

ReaderFromWR: Cus what I know, we are not the only ones who were effected.

Angelina: Y-y-yeah...

(Y/N): Let's get out of this forest and check on the others!

Infinite: Right...

Everyone walked forward, as Infinite crouched and grabbed some of Super Flame's dust.

Infinite: My brother in law... I will avenge you and everyone else who has fallen... I promise...

Infinite put the dust back down, and ran after his friends.


Wario-man and Xeggy were sitting on a skyscraper, watching dust slowly fly through the air.

Xeggy: That should teach them not to mess with us.

Wario-man: Perfectly balanced... Like all things should be.

Xeggy: Defiantly... 

The evil married couple shared a kiss, and continued to watch the dust fly.

(Shit... We lost so many...)

Anyways, lata!

Meggy X Reader: EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now