Issa joke

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In Na-Ri's apartment – 7.30pm –

Na-Ri got home from work about 45 minutes ago. She already showered and was now wearing a cute pink onesie with a pink hairband with ears. She was standing in front of her fridge wondering what to cook for dinner.

"How about something light, like a salad, some avocado, and some prawns? Oh yes!!!!" She was a sucker for seafood AND avocadoes. She could eat that every day if it was the only food resource left on earth.

Because of her job at BigHit, Na-Ri had made other friends in the industry like Lisa and Jennie from BlackPink. The girls already had their very successful comeback with Rosé and Jisoo weeks prior and were about to fly to the US around the same time as you for a quick breakaway.

She heard her phone buzz on top of the small kitchen island and made her way to it. As she unlocked it, she saw a message from the group chat BlackPink Rap Line Bishes.

GROUPCHAT : BlackPink Rap Line Bishes

ThaiPrincess: Hi Na-Ri!!! Long time!

Na-Ri : Lisaaaaa !!! How are you?? It's been way too long!

GoingSolo: Na-Ri-ah! How are you my little dumpling?

Na-Ri: Yah! Who you callin' dumpling?

GoingSolo: Have you seen your cheeks? 😊

Na-Ri: Waaaaaa thanks....

ThaiPrincess: OMG Jennie! So mean! :O

GoingSolo: Issa joke, chill.

Na-Ri: At least, I don't need to survive on a celery stick a day unlike someone.... 😐

ThaiPrincess: Oooooooh the clapback is strong with this one .... :D

GoingSolo: Yeah whatever. Na-Ri, you're going to NY with Bangtan, right?

Na-Ri: Yes, I'm leaving in 2 days.

GoingSolo: Yes yes yes! Lisa and I will be in New York as well. We have to meet up!

Na-Ri: I'd love to, but you know how it is... I might be on call 24/7. I'm an Idol's slave!!!

ThaiPrincess: The boys are nice, and so is the management. I'm sure they can give you a night off.

Na-Ri: I don't know; I'll ask...

GoingSolo: Yah! You better! The cast of "Strong Girl Do Bong Soon" will be in New York to celebrate the success of the drama, so they invited us to a little get-together with other idols, and we are inviting you! It's not an official industry event; it's more of a private house party kinda thing. They are all very close, so they organized a little trip to de-stress after the launch and promo.

Na-Ri: Ah ok, I see

ThaiPrincess: Didn't you say your fave actor was Kim Ji-Soo?

Na-Ri: yesssssss *drooling* and I maintain my stance on it. I regret nothing.

GoingSolo: Well, he'll be there you know....

Na-Ri: Wait what?

ThaiPrincess: and Park Hyung Sik too...He's so dreamyyyy!

Na-Ri: Ok, I've got to get that night off by hook or by crook.

GoingSolo: I thought so... 😉

Na-Ri: When is it?

GoingSolo: It's the day after SNL, so it should be ok for you?

Na-Ri: Great! That gives me more chances to get a YES from my boss. Oh, and what's the dress code?

ThaiPrincess: Don't you worry about that; we'll hook you up 😉 Just bring your gorgeous self to the Hyatt Hotel, 10th floor, room 1018 for, let's say 6 pm. Party starts at 8 pm in a nearby penthouse overlooking the city.

Na-Ri: Ok! Thank you so much for thinking about girls! I can't wait! Good night!!

ThaiPrincess: Have a good night Na-Ri!

GoingSolo: Good night dumpling! 😉

Na-Ri: Jenniiiiiiiiie!

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