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The boys were busy practicing Boy With Luv's choreography. Taehyung was having a go at Jungkook as he kept stepping on this foot. "Kookie!!! Seriously! That hurts! We rehearsed 10 times already, and 10 times you've crushed my little toe. I'm gonna sue!!"

"I'm sorry, hyung. I guess my strides are too wide; I'll try and be careful from now on" Jungkook said pouting.

Jimin, Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon were literally holding their sides, rolling on the floor due to laughing so much. Yoongi was unbothered as usual.

Bang PD-nim and Mr Soo entered the practice room and the boys gathered around and bowed.

After clearing his throat and with Mr Soo next to him, Bang PD-nim said "Hi boys, hope you're all doing well and working hard. We just wanted to come to let you know that... Na-Ri has come back to work and has agreed to... you know... the arrangement".

The boys looked at each other with surprise, but also a hint of excitement. They could not believe she had said yes.

"She said yes? Really?" asked Hoseok

"She did. But she mentioned having some conditions, which we believe is only fair. She wanted us to set a meeting with all of you in order to discuss these. So please, we will meet you at the dorm in 2 hours. It will be more private to hold the meeting there." Mr Soo explained.

The boys nodded and gathered their personal belongings and made their way to Hannam the Hill.

- The boys' conversation in the van on their way to the dorm-

"Wooooow, I still can't believe she said yes! Guys, this is huge! But this is also nerve racking. I mean we've been friends with Na-Ri for a while and now it's going to be a different type of relationship." Hoseok said lost in his thoughts.

"I wonder what her conditions are. Anyone has any idea what it could be?" Jin asked hoping to get an answer, but he knew he wouldn't because none of them were psychics, right?

"No idea, but whatever it is, we have to make sure she's happy and feels valued. It can't be easy for her; we have to look after her well and be considerate" said Namjoon. As a leader he wanted everyone to be on the same page.

"But who's gonna be the first among all of you though?" Yoongi asked with a smirk.

- 2 hours later –

The boys were all showered and dressed up, dorm cleaned up, as if they were about to meet their new primary school teacher. They were actually really nervous to see Na-Ri again; she hadn't been around the last 2 days; they were now meeting again as future "friends with benefits" once all the details were ironed out.

It was not like seeing her every day at work and her helping them throughout their day. This was different. This was on another level, and they all felt a shift was about to happen.

The apartment front door security digital lock ticked and soon Bang PD-nim, Mr Soo and Na-Ri were standing in the boys living room. Na-Ri had also gone home to change and dress in something they had never seen her in before.

She was wearing a cute dusty pink dress. Not too short, not too long; it was just right. They had never seen her dressed like this as she was always dressed comfortably to run errands and who could blame her for doing so. Her hair was let loose, finally showcasing how shiny, long and wavy it was. She wore cute nude heels and Korean style make-up (meaning no 20-step face caking, ie contouring, highlighting, baking etc... No shade, I like contouring). She looked like a freaking angel.

Bang PD-nim and Mr Soo looked at each other with smirks seeing the "shook" faces of the 7 boys on seeing Na-Ri looking so different.

Mr Soo cleared his throat to bring everyone back to earth and, all settled down on the sofas.

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