My mother nodded at me smugly, "I did not leave this place because you had them keep me locked up here. I personally chose to stay here to look after the pack members because apparently, their Alpha is busy with his little bitch."

"Don't call her that!" Harry almost attacked her but I was quick enough to take action. I still need to remain sane in order to process everything that has been said.

"Why not? She is a bitch! She is taking you away from this pack. She is keeping you all to herself! Everyone is losing you and you are not even doing anything about it. And look!" She screamed, regarding the wolves that I have hurt.

"You almost killed two innocent wolves because of that girl. What do you take us for, Cyrus? Do we mean nothing to you?!" Her words made me realize the reason why I never wanted to accept Carmela in the first place.

I have never wished for a mate, especially a human mate but everything about her made me change. It wasn't just the pull caused by the bond. There was more to it. I was able to ignore her for weeks but she never gave up on me. She was there, every morning, showing up with a cup of coffee in her hand, with a bright smile etched on her face.

Whenever I ignored her, I would hear her mumble words to herself that made her look so cute. Her clumsiness was one of her many charms that made me want to look at her, secretly. And when other men, even Tristan, were close to her, I just lost it. I knew then that I can never let her be with someone else but me.

When she lost her memories with me, I thought I would completely lose her but she agreed to live with me, and just when everything's going smoothly, this happened.

If it wasn't my mom, then who could it be?

"Son, I really don't like her for you that's why I showed up that day and said those words. You two can't be together."

"If you are destined to be with someone else, there's no one, not even a single soul can break you apart. And I want you to remember, that your mate is your other half, if you can't be together, consider yourself dead." I said the exact words she said to me and my sister when we were still young.

That caught her off guard. Her eyes have turned misty, tears are about to be pouring down.

"You used to tell us how much Dad hated you but you were mates and you couldn't let anyone have him. You threatened him. You said you would kill the woman he loved the most if he would not marry you. And now, you are going against your own words."

Finally, her tears rolled down her cheeks. Her wrinkled face suddenly showed guilt and pain. She looked away, unable to take my words.

"You are the reason why Cyrene stuck with that stupid guy no matter how much he hurt her. He was playing with her feelings but you made her believe that she would be able to make him fall for her because they were mates. What you didn't realize is that love is also an essential part of building a relationship. Something that you and Cyrene both lacked of."


"No! You need to hear this to help you, mom. Dad never loved you. Until now, he despises you because the only woman she loved, died because of your selfishness and ego."

"That's why I am stopping you from being with that human. They only bring heartaches and misfortune..."

"But that will never happen because we love each other." I said that made her break into tears more.

"Whether one's mate is a human or wolf, if there is love, nothing could go wrong. And now that she's gone, I don't think I'll ever be the same again. I don't want to end up living a miserable life like dad. I need you to understand that we are one and your words, they're real for me but not for you, Cyrene and for anyone else who don't love each other."

I walked around the room and pinched the bridge of my nose, "and just like her, who attacked me in order to protect her mate, I would do the same. So if you are telling me that you are innocent, who else could have taken her?" I whispered the last words to myself.

The room is painstakingly silent. I brushed my hair up, annoyed that the only suspect I have in mind is not actually the one who took my mate.

Suddenly, Carmela's voice rang in my head. When she told me about Tristan, how she got so scared when she saw him in her apartment. But, what could be his motive in doing this? As far as I can remember, they're friends.

"But Alicia is his mate and she hates Carmela because she is your mate. You know that psychotic bitch has been clinging onto you since forever." Said Harry and that made sense.

Right. And they must have used my mom's scent in order to confuse me and start a war with her. With that, I went out of the pack house and hopped on my car. I was about to start the engine when Andy got in.

"You don't expect me to let you go alone now, do you?" I just answered him with a deep sigh before stepping on gas.

"Allow me to save our Luna." He said and I swear I heard mischief in his voice.

What a pain in the ass.

Just hang in there, Carmela. I'm coming for you.


What do you think the effin' hell is going on, guys?

Okay, so if she did not leave the pack house, who did Carmela meet in the previous chapter? Or is she lying to Cyrus? Any thoughts about this chapter?

I'm hoping this was intense enough to make up to my absences. love lots! 🖤


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