[Just Friends - Younghoon]

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Younghoon and you have been friends for years. You were convinced he saw you as nothing more than his sister but were you wrong. Younghoon has liked you since the moment he met you.
You were backstage, hanging out with the boys before the concert. You were so proud of your best friend.
Juyeon sat next to you, telling you some stories from their trip to Japan. You were fascinated by the culture and the language.
Juyeon told you some words and you tried repeating them.
"Good. You are good at this, (Y/N)."
You smiled, beaming.
"Thank you, Juyeon."
Younghoon was getting his hair done, watching you. He didn't like that Juyeon was so close to you.
As it was time to go on stage you walked to Younghoon.
"Good luck."
He nodded, not really in the mood.
"What's wrong? Are you nervous? It's okay. I know you'll do amazing. Just like everything you do."
He turned to you.
"I don't like you being close to Juyeon."
Your eyes widened.
"Are you... Are you jealous?"
Younghoon scoffed.
"Of course I'm jealous. I like you. I have liked you for years now. How didn't you notice?"
You watched him, your cheeks red.
"I liked you for years too."
It was his turn to be surprised. Sangyeon told him it was time to leave. He kissed your cheek and smiled.
"Let me take you out after the concert."
You nodded.
"I want nothing more."

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