[First I Love You - Younghoon]

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Younghoon loved you so much but you still haven't said the three little words to each other. He wanted to tell you but wasn't sure how would you react. That's why he was thinking of ways to tell you.
You were at the beach for your date.
You sat on a soft towel and ate some of fruits that you packed for you two.
Younghoon watched you with a smile. You turned to him and smiled.
"I love it here. It's so calming."
He nodded.
"We should come here more often."
You nodded.
"And we should bring the rest of the boys. They would love it here."
Younghoon nodded, you always thought about others.
Some little girl run to you and pouted.
"I lost my mommy."
You pouted back and took her small hand.
"Come on. We'll help you find your mommy. Where did you last see your mom?"
She pointed to one part of the beach and you started walking towards there. Younghoon watched you as you walked away with the girl. A woman walked to you and sighed in relief.
"Don't leave my sight."
Girl nodded and you smiled at the woman.
"It was nice meeting you."
Girl waved as woman thanked you. You went back to Younghoon. He watched you and smiled.
"I love you."
You looked surprised at him.
"I love you too."
He grinned.
"I can't wait to have a little one with you."
You smiled at him.
"Me too."

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