[Skateboarding - Eric]

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Youngjae wanted to teach you how to ride a skateboard. So he took you to the skate park and showed you how to do it. You took his hand as he helped you stand on the board. You squealed as it started moving and Youngjae laughed.
"I'm holding you. Don't worry."
You held tightly on his hands as he pulled you around. You were biting your lip, too scared to try alone.
"Want to try alone?"
You shook your head, panicking.
"No, please don't let me go."
His eyes widened at your panicked face.
"Hey, hey. I'm not letting go."
You nodded and he helped you down. You sighed and sat down on one of the benches as he skated around. You laughed as he tried some tricks.
"I wish I wasn't that scared. It looks fun."
Youngjae grinned.
"I have an idea. Come here."
You walked to him and he helped you the board. He then stood behind you and pushed softly. He was back hugging you as he skated. You smiled as it was fun and you felt secure with Youngjae behind you.
"This is fun."
He grinned.
"Yes it is. I'm glad you are enjoying."
You grinned as both of you drove around the park.

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