[Sorry - Jacob]

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Joonyoung and you rarely ever fought but when you did it always ended fast and you were back to cuddling. But today was different. You were fighting for over an hour. One of his friends kept coming to his dorm always eating everything he prepared and always interrupting your couple time. At first, you didn't mind but now it became a regular thing. You told that to Joonyoung but he started defending his friend, saying it didn't happen that often. You were so angry, you suddenly started crying. Joonyoung stopped in the middle of the sentence and stared at you.
"You can date him. I'm leaving."
You took your jacket and run out of the dorms. Joonyoung groaned and run after you.
"(Y/N), please. Don't go, baby. I'm sorry. You are right. Stop please."
You stopped and he stepped closer to you.
"You are right. He does come often. When we were little, his parents always helped me with anything I needed. They are family. I thought that I should repay him that way. But you are right. I'm sorry I ignored you. I didn't mean for it to happen like this. I'm sorry. Please, don't be mad."
You watched him, tears falling.
"I love you, idiot."
He laughed and brushed your tears.
"I love you too."

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