"They ran?"

"Into me," Bakugou huffed. "Idiots wanted to come. I said no and told them to go to the police. The call was a bluff," he summarized. "Should be here in a few, though." He stood up straight again to his full length —Danny was, undeniably, short— to meet the robber's gaze. "Get out of here, leave the money, and don't try anything stupid again or we'll find you."

"What is a little brat like you," the man spit out, "going to do against me?"

Bakugou smirked as his palms sparked at his side, his smile turning into a full-blown grin as he saw the robber tense.

"Don't do anything you'll regret, kid."

"Think about the dangers," Danny pressed. "You don't know what'll happen."

"I'll kick his ass into prison, that's what's gonna happen."

"Bakugou, they're gonna be here any second now. Just wait."

"Please don't..." the girl whispered.

"Oh, but I think I will..."

"Do not."

"Shut up, Nerd!"


He flinched, dropped his hands, and clenched them together before pointing at Danny, glaring at him from his side. "Don't you dare keep going," Bakugou warned.

The man looked between the two with a confused expression. He finally linked the events together and came to the conclusion this was supposed to be the back-up. Time for his back-up plan, then... "I'm going to count to three—"

"Oh, joy."

"—and you choose who I'm shooting."

Bakugou wanted to interrupt the man and told him how shitty he was being and 'how the hell do you think you can get away with this,' but Danny was faster. "Me, of course. I'm the one that called him—" he pointed at Bakugou and shrugged— "your problem, my fault."

Bakugou did a double-take before deciding he'd...discuss that with him later, instead deciding on playing along. "Are you kidding? You can't dodge for shit!"

Okay, maybe he wasn't acting.

"And you can't think for shit!"


"You both can't," the man said.

"Oh please."

He straightened his arm.


Closed one eye.

"Fenton I swear—"


"Get out of the way!"

And shot.

"A robbery?"

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"A robbery?"

Sam and Tucker nodded heavily as they panted, having run to the police station a few blocks away in minutes, throwing all care for personal safety out of the window. Dodging traffic had become one of their many skills over the years, including making up excuses —lying— and free-running to keep up with Danny. They still needed more stamina training.

The detective —who was just leaving for the weekend— had been outside when they came running, trying to tell him something. He didn't quite catch it the first few times due to their ragged breaths but managed to catch some words. "And you want me to come?"

"O-officers," Sam corrected him. "With guns... He has one."

One quick call to Dispatch and a check of his gear later, he gestured at them. "Lead the way."

And so they ran the few blocks back, Sam suspiciously managing to be first there. The street was silent when they got there, except for their pants and footsteps on the pavement. "Stay here," the detective ordered with a small wave before taking his gun and moving up to the side of the entrance. He peeked around the corner, but couldn't see anything because of the stands. Feeling a slight shift of the air, he swiveled around, gun raised. "What're you two doing!?" he hissed at the teens.

"Helping. They're our friends."

"Stay back or I'll arrest you," he threatened.

"Do it later," Sam said before walking past him. She stood in front of the opened doors and carefully moved in, fingers at the ready to make any plant necessary. She spotted the employee standing near the register, talking frantically on the phone, and Sam suspected it was with the police.

Not what she was looking for.


"Bakugou?" Sam confusedly stated before dropping her arms and running over to him. He sat on the ground, holding his left arm with his right hand. Danny sat next to him, holding his right arm. "Danny!"

"Hey, Sam. You okay?"

What the hell.

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