Harry reached out and touched Edwards hand again. Edward looked up to see Harry giving him a loving smile. " L-l-ove,,, you,,, t-t-too." Edward gave Harry a blinding smile back.

Jacob returned to hear Harry confess his love to Edward. He knew for Harry right now it was more of a brotherly love, but that would change, and surprisingly he wasn't jealous. He felt no jealously towards Edward and Draco, they were supposed to be there with Harry,,, All 3 of them.

Severus came into the room followed by the rest of the Cullens. " Alright enough of the sappy stuff. We have a lot to discuss, and we have to bring Harry up to date on everything."

Before Severus could get started there was a crack followed by a groan and twin laughters.

" Son of a ... This day couldn't get any worse."grumbled Severus.

" I will get them." sighed Draco. The twins and Emmett under the same roof, no good could come of that combination.

" W-who,,, I-I-ss ,,, it?" Harry was scared, he didn't want to see Dumbledore. Dumbledore didn't want him with his family and he would take him away. Harry wrapped his arms around himself and leaned in as close to Jacob as he could without touching him. Jacob had taken his seat back on the floor leaning against the couch Harry was on.

" Hey, easy there I'm sure it's alright. We won't let anyone take you away from us." Jacobs wolf puffed up in pride over the fact that Harry leaned to him for comfort and protection. Edward gave Jacob a nudge with his knee laughing at him. Jacob couldn't help but blush a bright red.

" Sev we have a problem!" yelled Draco from outside. There was a yell and what sounded like a body hitting the ground. The back french doors banged open revealing an amber eyed man looking to the couch Harry was on, growling.

"R-r-rem-us!" whimpered Harry. Harry started to have a hard time breathing, his vision darkened and he started seeing spots. Harry thought he heard someone calling his name but he couldn't focus. Remus was here, Remus was going to kill him.

Moony could smell his pup in this strange place. He needed to go to him, comfort him, beg for forgiveness. His human was mad at their pup for some reason and that made Moony mad. They had the perfect pup, what could he have done to make the human mad. It wasn't their pups fault that their mate was gone.

Moony busted through door and froze. His pup was surrounded by vampires and a strange wolf. Curling his lip back he released a warning growl. He could feel his human trying to take control, he wasn't happy to see their perfect pup. He wouldn't let his human hurt their pup.

Jacob lunged to his feet when he heard his mate whimper in distress. He didn't like the way the other wolf was growling at his mate. There was something off about this wolf though, something didn't smell right.

Moony started whine, it was to far from the full moon and he was losing control to his human. His human that wanted to hurt his pup. Moony looked to the other 2 legged wolf and howled for him to help.

Sensing what was going on Jacob and Edward were able to tackle Remus as he made a lunge for Harry. Remus had lost his wand to Draco outside so he was going to use his hands on Harry.

" Don't hurt him, there is something not right with him." yelled George coming in from outside.

" Incarcerous" muttered Severus with his wand pointed at Lupin. Thin ropes shot out from his wand wrapping themselves around Lupin, preventing him from moving. He then levitated him to the chair farthest from Harry and cast a silencio on him.

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