She speaks out loud in her own mind, her memory self and the man cannot hear her but her parents can ''Why the hell is your mouth like that''.

River looks at her wife who gives her the same look of confusion.

Back in her mind, she focuses on the man speaking ''We have to go now'', he says worriedly.

''But i want to see him'', J says back to the man unhappy about leaving.

''You can't far too early'', he says back grabbing her arm she pulls away.

''Yes but i don't have to introduce myself'', she says back angry.

''You know you can't and what will you say? And then when you officially meet him he will know you and he isn't supposed too'' He says back typing coordinates into his Vortex Manipulator.

''Alright Alright well what was the point in us coming here on this day then? And look at it this way i always wanted to meet Rose'', she says smiling back to him.

''You will but not now'', he says back and she steps forward and then they are gone and she is placed into another memory.

As this was said J says ''Rose Tyler'', questioning herself as she watches the other memory play out when she officially meets Rose and she can't even remember one bit of it.

The Doctor looks up to River ''Rose? She never meets Rose right? I would remember that would i not?'', she wonders.

''Sweetie yes unless she meets her before you did? I don't know she never mentioned meeting her before''.

J is thrown through more memories and then to the next one, ''Why Why did you make me do this'', she yells at the man.

''We both know why'', he replies back.

''YES'' she yells ''But YOU COULD HAVE done it and not me'', she looks over to her parents who are currently unconscious.

''You and me both know i can't, plus i am here only to help you take them back to where they need to be, they will not remember you until they are meant too, we both know it is safer this way Jamie'', and as she watches herself cry as they take The Doctor to the Tardis she sees it happening but as she watches she says,

''Jamie? Like when do i ever let anyone call me that, and why are Dad and mum Unconscious what have i done or did''. She starts to panic.

River is unsure of what is happening in her daughter mind but it's clear she is seeing memories, she then looks to her wife and she has no answers either but she can see she also understands only about the memories,

''Do you think this has anything to do with not remembering her?'', The Doctor asks,

''I I'm not sure sweetie'', she says unsure.

''NOOOOOOOOO'', J yells as both River and The Doctor turns back down to their panicked sleeping daughter.

J was watching this man strike her on the head, he mumbles to himself and she hears ''Sorry sis'' he says, she thinks to herself what the fuck, but she only thinks it so it sounds more of an echo than her saying it out loud.

''You are my best friend Jamie but this is for our own good and yours and theirs, i will put this thing", he stops to think then continues.

"If you can hear me that is i will put this microchip in your head it has your memories and will only come to you when you need them most if they find you by that time i hope i have a plan. I'm sorry i had to do this but it is the only way to keep you and your family safe'', he says kissing the top of her head as he shoots a chip into her head'', he lifts her up and vortex's out.

She is back in her home before meeting the Doctor and before she meets her again she is back in her house innKilmarnock and placed in her bed.

''I hope you can forgive me'', he says as he leaves her there.

Her memories stop, and a shooting pain once more flies through her whole body this time as the sounds of beeping gets louder and louder and she can hear a small fading sound of sorry go through her head.

The Doctor and River watch as their daughter has another fit within screams.

Suddenly she springs up from her bed eyes open still but this time she can see her Ma and Da standing shocked as she screams from the pain.

The Pain stops as sudden as she screams, and she stops to look around at her Ma and Pa and she starts to cry.

''J what is it?'', asks the Doctor

''What just happened?'', A worried River is to the left of her as the Doctor her Right.

After a few moments J calms down she takes a deep breath.

''It's all my fault'', she repeats.

''What is?'', asks River

''Everything'', she lifts her knees up to her chin and leans on it.

''What do you mean?'', asks The Doctor.

''How you lost your memories'', she says lifting her head slightly ''I slipped something into your drinks one day, I I can't remember much but then you both passed out and and it was my fault i took your memories of finding me'', she cries and trembles her words.

''And then he took mine'', she says closing her eyes.

''Who did sweetie?'', River asks

''I I I I I Don't know'', she looks up at River.

River and the Doctor shared a look as they then communicate telepathically, ''We need to stay calm and find out what happened'', Says the Doctor.

''Yes and find this person she is on about or wait till she remembers more'' River replies.

The Doctor was about to say something else when for J she breaks the Silence in the room.

''What have i done that made me take your memories'', she worries she did something very bad.

''Sweetie we will figure it out'', says River trying to keep J calm.

''How are you feeling?'', asks the Doctor.

''I'm fine other than the headache from when i fell", she says

''You felt that?'', asks the Doctor.

''Yep, i heard everything too till i was thrown in deep dark silence in my head then i heard mum and then i was thrown through memories''.

This made the Doctor pull a face,

''What?'' asks J.

''Sounds like you had a memory prevention chip that only is activated when the person who gives you it has either died or activated it'', she says and River sighs

''Explains the fits and sleep talking and screams of pain'', River looks back at J.

''WHAT'', is all she says.

She gets up out of the bed ''He said about a chip i saw him give me it'', she says ''We gotta get it out''.

''NO'' shouts River ''Sweetie'' she says calmer ''Only the person who gives you it can take it out your father and I can't plus if they did die it will be gone once all your memories are back it somehow dies with the person and they are only found in'', she was cut off by J

''Sandrings'' she lets out ''I remember'', she says shocked.

The Doctor and River once again look at one another then back to J but she was long gone by the time they turned back around.

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