Power of the Voice

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Y/N was following Butters around the beach, hauling Timmy on his back.

Butters - Hey New Kid, has your voice recovered yet?

Y/N - ...lm...ost...

Butters - I see. Well, don't worry man, I'm sure you'll get the hang of that collar thingie soon.

Y/N nodded, then turned back to the beach.

Timmy - Timmy...

Y/N glanced back at Timmy, then looked where he was. Timmy was staring out at the ocean, with a longing look in his eyes. Y/N set his friend on the sand, then took off the collar.

Picking Timmy back up, he stepped into water, and squatted down so Timmy could touch it.

Timmy - Timmy!

Timmy looked excited, splashing the water with his hands. Unbeknownst to the group, a certain girl with a mask saw them from afar.

??? - How adorable...

She pulled a sketch out of nowhere, and began sketching the scene. However, because of the distance, she had trouble seeing.

??? - I-I'll Just t-t-take this off f-for now...

She set her mask on the sand beside her, and got back to sketching. After about fifteen minutes, she finished. Looking over it, she smiled. It showed the three boys in the water, Timmy on Y/N's back, and Butters splashing the two with water.

She was about to leave, but flinched when she heard the boys call out to her.

Butters - Hey, Miss! Do you know how to get back to the Central Hut?

The girl stuttered, her face turning bright red.

Butters - Hey, you okay? Do you need a Cure Potion?

The girl shook her head, and frantically looked for her mask, only to see it on Y/N's face. She froze up when he looked up at her, and took a few steps back, unknowingly wrapping Y/N's collar around her ankle. Y/N saw it, and reached to grab it. The girl freaked, and started to run away. Y/N handed Timmy to Butters, and ran after the girl.

After chasing her for a minute or two, Y/N got pissed.

Y/N - (Dovazhul) STAY... STILL.

Surprised at his tone, and the fact that he spoke, he felt his neck. The scar was still there, but it started to burn. The girl was frozen in place, almost like a statue.

??? - W-W-What did y-y-y-you do to m-m-me?!

The girl tried to move, but couldn't. Y/N took the collar from around her ankle, and looked at it. He looked back up at the girl, who was almost in tears.

Y/N - (Dovazhul) Sorry, I didn't mean to shout.

??? - I-I-I'm sorry! P-Please stop yelling!

Y/N was confused, and looked to his friends, who were covering their ears. Bewildered, he put the collar back on, and tried again.

Y/N - Sorry, I didn't mean to shout.

The girl looked surprised, but mostly relieved.

??? - I-It's Okay... c-can I have t-that back?

She looked at the mask on his face.

Y/N - This was yours? My bad.

He took it off, and held it to her. Still frozen in place, she couldn't grab it.

??? - C-Could you u-unfreeze me...?

Y/N - Huh? I didn't...

Y/N thought back to what happened. He took the collar off, he got in the water, she got it wrapped around her ankle, and he told her to stop...

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