Wait a Minute..

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Y/N sat next to Asuka, sipping chocolate milk from a carton. Asuka yawned, and stretched her back, her... robust bust showing off its curves. Homura, who sat a few seats away, raised a brow, smirked, and wrapped an arm around Asuka's shoulders.

Homura - Wow. Did you grow again?

Asuka - *Blushes* W-Wha?! Homura-Chan! Y/N's right there!

The two girls looked at him, and he just continued to drink his milk.

Y/N - No, please continue. I'm enjoying the view.

Homura grinned, and gave him a thumbs up. Asuka looked betrayed, but her expression changed quickly from mild anger to complete shock when Homura started feeling up her breasts.

Homura - W-Wow... now I can see why Katsuragi likes to do this.

Asuka freaked, and started squirming in her friend's arms. After a few moments, Homura seemed to have touched a spot that was quite sensitive, (Even though Asuka's breasts are naturally sensitive.) since she cried out in a rather sexual way.

Homura froze, as did Asuka, their faces crimson. The only thing that broke the silence was Y/N finishing his chocolate milk, only sucking air through the straw. The girls watched as he sniffed in annoyance, and chucked the carton into a nearby trash can. He got up from his seat, and walked off, completely unaffected by what he witnessed. Homura scooted away from Asuka, scratching her cheek.

Homura - Uh... Sorry about that.

Asuka - I-It's fine...

The two girls looked at each other then turned away quickly. Their attention was drawn to the sound of yelling and banging, so they stood up, and went to check it out.

They found Y/N watching the KKK smash a random hot dog cart, laughing and yelling as they did so.

Homura - Jeez, those twerps really need to get whooped, or something.

Asuka - I normally wouldn't agree, but I do in this situation.

Y/N - I could do it.

Asuka - Hm... what do you think, Homura-Chan?

Homura - I don't see a problem. Let 'em have it, kid!

Y/N just nodded, then broke off a bar from a nearby beach chair, and started on his way. The boys didn't notice Y/N approach, so he didn't bother starting a fight. He merely beat the living shit out of each of them, and watched as they ran. One of them, Cartman, couldn't get away fast enough, and it looked like their vandalism put him in a bad mood.

Y/N - That was my favorite hot dog stand... and the girl that ran it was nice.

He glared at Cartman, and grabbed a few hot dogs.

Asuka - Wait a minute, Y/N, what are you-

Y/N then crammed Cartman's mouth with hot dogs, making the boy gag.

Y/N - Taste good, don't they?

Cartman chokes for a few seconds, before spitting the hot dogs out, and running away.

Cartman - Y-You're fucking crazy, man!

The girls watched Cartman run, then started laughing.

Asuka - T-That was really mean, but- *Laughs harder*

Homura - *Laughing too hard to speak*

Y/N tilted his head at them, then turned when he heard a gasp. A young woman with long, light brown hair, and light green eyes stood there, looking at her trashed cart in shock.

Random Shinobi - Oh no!

She rushed over to the cart, inspecting the damage. She sighed sadly, and her shoulders sagged. This caught the attention of the two team leaders, but they didn't have any words to console the girl. Y/N, however, pat her on the shoulder.

Random Shinobi - Oh... hey, Y/N-Kun...

Y/N - I can help you fix it.

The Shinobi smiles, and hugs him tightly. Homura and Asuka look at each other, then nod.

Asuka - Hey!

The Shinobi looks up at them.

Homura - We can help, too.

The Shinobi  was in awe, shocked that two powerful Shinobi were offering to help her.

Random Shinobi - O-Of course! Thank you so much! M-My name is Mayu!

She bowed to the Elite Shinobi, and they all began fixing the cart.

-A Few Hours Later-

Mayu - Wow, you sure know how to do a lot of things, Y/N-Kun.

Y/N - I know how to do a lot of things.

Mayu leaned on the cart.

Mayu - Is that so? What else do you know?

Y/N - I know how to beat people in a fight using a dildo.

Y/N said it so fast that neither Homura or Asuka could stop him, and they looked at Mayu, expecting her to be disgusted. Instead of that, Mayu snorted, giggling quietly to herself.

Homura - Well, looks like he found one of his own kind.

Asuka - Yeah, I guess so.

Mayu - *Giggles* Okay, that's cool. By the way, since you guys helped me out, you can have free hot dogs whenever you want.

Y/N - Hell Yeah!

Homura looked at Asuka, who shrugged, and smiled.

Asuka - I don't mind anymore. His personality has a certain... charm to it.

Homura - Heh. You got that right.

Homura glanced at Asuka, and blushed a little, thinking about what happened before.

Homura - Hey, about before...

Asuka looked at her, then shook her head.

Asuka - It's okay. I actually kind of liked it...

Homura - Huh?

Asuka blushed, then cleared her throat.

Asuka - B-But that was just a one time thing! Do it again, a-and I really will get angry!

Homura smirked, and pulled Asuka closer to her by the waist.

Homura - Are you sure?

Asuka turned crimson, and looked away from Homura, completely embarrassed.

In the distance, Y/N and Mayu watched the scene unfold. Mayu was leaning forward, mesmerized by the sight. All the while Y/N just chowed down on a hot dog.

(DISCONTINUED) The Stick of Truth- Ninja and KnightsWhere stories live. Discover now