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Y/N watched Butters jump into the pool, then turned to Asuka, and tilted his head.

Asuka - Well, none of us really wanted to wash salt off of our bodies again.

Y/N nodded in understanding, then went to the pool himself. He sat on the edge, and dipped his feet in. Butters swam over to him.

Butters - Hey, why aren't you getting in the water?

Y/N pointed at the still fresh scar, which was tender to the touch.

Butters - Oh, right. Well, uh... you think there's anyone else that wants to join M.I.L.F.?

Y/N shrugged, then looked over to where a few girls had gathered. Getting up, he went over to investigate. Once there, his eyes widened in surprise. There lies Timothy Burch, the handicapped kid that pulled him from place to place with his wheelchair.

Timmy was awake, and looked very confused. Y/N stepped through some of the girl's, and Timmy recognized him immediately.

Timmy - Timmy!

Haruka - Darling, do you know him?

Y/N nodded, and moved to help Timmy. He slung him over his shoulder, then placed Timmy in his chair.

Timmy - TIMMY!

Haruka looked at the two for a few seconds, then smiled. Y/N looked genuinely happy to see Timmy, and Timmy seemed to feel the same. Right after, she remembered something.

Haruka - Darling, I have something that could help you.

She showed Y/N what looked like a collar, but it was a band of all kinds of tech slapped together. She bent down to his level, then fixed it around his neck. She pressed a button, which turned on a green light.

Haruka - Try to speak, Darling.

Y/N tried, but nothing came out.

Haruka - Try again, dear.

He tried once more, and got something. It was more of a low grunt, but it was something.

Haruka - Good work, Darling! Just keep trying whenever you feel like it, and I'm sure you'll be able to speak again in no time!

Timmy rolled over to Y/N, looking at the scar.

Timmy - Timmy?

Y/N turned to him, and tried to speak, only to let out another grunt. Instead, he made a thumb going across his neck, and Timmy understood.

Timmy - Timmy...

He then turned to Yumi.

Timmy - Timmy?

Yumi - Eh? I'm sorry, I don't understand...

Timmy tapped his chin, trying to think of a way to communicate. After a bit of thinking, he got an idea. He waved to Y/N, then pointed at the wagon that was attached to a hook on the back of his wheelchair. Y/N's eyes sparkled, and he clambered into it.

Yumi - Boys, I don't think that's...

Timmy - TIMMY!

Timmy sped off with Y/N in tow, and the girls watched them speed around. Y/N managed to make a happy shout, tumbling around in the wagon. Eventually the stopped almost right where they started. Yumi smiles, then pet both boys' heads.

Yumi - Alright, let's all cool off a bit.

She then took the whole group to a picnic table that they had occupied, where they were served ice cold lemonade, and at the courtesy of Mayu, free hot dogs.

(DISCONTINUED) The Stick of Truth- Ninja and KnightsWhere stories live. Discover now