Chapter 5: Girlfriend meet BTS (part 2)

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Bonnie got out and paid the driver. She asked the driver to stop on the other side of the street so it wouldn't be totally obvious where she was going.

The driver left then she crossed the street. she strolled in the parking lot, not in a rush.

A young couple was ahead of her walking to the same entrance, they didn't notice her at first until the female glanced at her.

The girl stares in disbelief. Being the polite person she was Bonnie waved, the girl turned back. latching on to the male's arm pulling on him to go faster, he looked slightly confused then mirrored the girl's actions of turning to look at Bonnie.

That's weird.

They spend up a bit as Bonnie continued strolling at the same pace, the couple pressed some buttons on the keypad at the door and it opened. she noted that it was one of those heavy doors that take forever to close.

The couple rushes inside and the girl tried to pull the door closed behind her.

Bonnie just tilted her head in confusion and shrugged it off. Finally Bonnie arrived at the door and the couple was at the elevator now just fully staring at her.

After 2 minutes she's now leaning on the wall beside the door, then came a middle-aged woman carrying a bunch of designer bags with her, she was walking up and then she noticed Bonnie. The woman's eyes widen almost dropping her bags, she stop mid-step and shuffled back.

Bonnie was about to push off the wall to greet her and the woman turned around completely and wiped out her phone.

Bonnie brows just knitted together "Well, okay then," she said to herself and just went back to her original lending position

The woman talks for a while on the phone, Bonnie who did not want to overhear anything, pulled out her own phone to pay attention to something else.


She got back up thinking that it was jin -it wasn't it. It was a middle-aged man instead.

The woman who was now off of the phone quickly walked past her with all her bags in tow. Again just like the girl before the man tried pulling the door closed behind them.

'Okay, is something wrong with the door? whereas it can't close on its own' Bonnie wondered staring at the door.

Finally, after another minute, Jin opened the door. She smiled greeted Jin with a hug and they both walked to the elevator. However, she kept her eyes on the entrance door as it closes 'it closed as normal ones do. So what was everyone's problem.'

"I'm sorry I made you wait so long" Jin apologized

She looked up at him"It's okay, why did you talk so long?"

"I was telling the guys about you"

She made an 'o' with her mouth "How did that go?"

"Better than expected their really excited to meet them."

The elevator doors opened and Jin led her to the dorm.

He opened the door and ushered her to the living where laughing and talking could be heard.

As soon as she walked around the corner into view everything went quiet.

They were lost for words, their group members just told them that he had a girlfriend and now they find out that she's also a foreigner.

"Uh... Bonnie these are the guys and everyone this is Bonnibel Jones" Jin introduced.

The boys who were now littered around the floor and on the two couches just stared wide eyes with mouths slightly parted.

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