Chapter Forty Two

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Chapter Forty Two – Liam

Liam grabs for Zayn's hand as he leads the way up the steps towards his parents' front door, before they even get to the top the step the door is yanked open and his mum is standing there, sobbing. Liam rolls his eyes, as Zayn takes a step back and she pulls him into her arms, “my baby, I've missed you” she sobs and Liam chuckles hugging her tightly, he really had missed his mum, “I missed you too” he mumbles. Karen releases him seconds later and turns her attention to Zayn, “and you must be Zayn, c'mon then give me a hug” she says gesturing for Zayn to come closer. Liam laughs his mum always was a hugger too, Zayn looks at him unsure and Liam nods reassuringly, “I don't know what my son has told you but I won't bite” Karen exclaims and Liam shakes his head as Zayn laughs and steps forward into her waiting arms. Liam can see Zayn's body relax from where he is standing and he's silently thanking his mum for her warm welcome of his boyfriend, “it's nice to meet you Mrs. Payne, and thank you for letting me stay in your home” Zayn says politely when Karen lets him go. Liam rolls his eyes at Zayn's overly polite tone “kiss ass” he coughs and Zayn glares at him while his mum smacks him in the back of the head, “language, Liam” she scolds and Liam pouts. He pushes closer to Zayn and blinks at him sadly, “she hit me Zee” he whines, pouting more when Zayn just laughs, “you deserved it” he teases, Liam huffs in annoyance and turns his back to them. Turning back around when he hears his mum speaking to Zayn again, “it's no problem, dear, you're always welcome, and please call me Karen” she says pulling Zayn in for another hug.

Once in the house Liam smiles at the familiarity of it all, nothing has really changed since he and Louis had first moved to London, his mum has run off to find his dad, and although Liam can't wait to see him, he is happy to be alone with Zayn again at least for a moment. Liam smiles as he sees Zayn examining the pictures of him and his sisters that cover the wall by the door, and sneaks up behind him to pull him into his arms, “how you doing? Ok?” Liam asks and Zayn hums leaning back against him. Zayn nods after a minute, “yea, I'm ok. Your mum is awesome. I'm a little scared to meet your dad though” he murmurs quietly and Liam can't help but lean in and press a kiss just behind his ear. Liam turns Zayn in his arms so he can see his face, “honestly my dad's a big softie, he tries to act tough, but he's really a sweet guy” he says honestly, and Zayn nods slowly, just as Ruth comes bounding into the room, she smiles widely and throws herself at Liam “LILI!” she screams as he picks her up off her feet in a hug. Liam sets her down and pulls away turning so they're both facing Zayn who is looking at them with an unreadable expression, and Liam makes a mental note to ask him about it later, he has a feeling he knows what it is, but he wants to be sure. “Roo, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Zayn” Liam says nervously, because if he's being honest he's more worried about what she thinks than anyone else, they've always been really close, and her opinion is important to him. Ruth smiles and reaches her hand out to Zayn, “I'm sure mum already hugged you to death, so I won't...yet. But I'm Ruth, its good to finally have a name for mystery boy, just make sure you take care of my little brother, yeah?” she threatens playfully. Zayn chuckles as he shakes her hand, “it's great to meet you too, Liam talks about you a lot, and don't worry I promise I'll take care of him” he answers biting his bottom lip. Liam watches Ruth as she watches Zayn for a second, nervous of how she'll react, “right, I think I like him” she says after a moment “and why don't we move into the actual house, instead of standing at the door?” she adds after a moment cocking her head to the side in confusion. Liam laughs and nods his head, she's still his same crazy older sister, as he grabs Zayn's hand and the pair follow Ruth into the sitting room.

Liam sits on the couch, and pulls Zayn down close into his side, Ruth sits in the chair across from them and coos quietly, Liam rolls his eyes and sends her a glare but she just sticks her tongue out at him. “Where's Nic?” Liam asks after a minute and Ruth shrugs, “she's coming, but got held up at work, or something” she says with a head shake and Liam laughs. Zayn chuckles quietly beside him and Liam's glad he's warming up, he really doesn't want to have to go spend the week in a hotel, but he would if Zayn was truly uncomfortable at his home. “So Zayn what do you do?” Ruth asks suddenly and Liam panics slightly as he looks at Zayn, who suddenly looks pale, “Zayn's between jobs right now” Liam answers for his currently speechless boyfriend, sending Ruth a shut up or else look, which she (naturally) ignores. “What does that even mean, Li?” she asks annoyed and Liam goes to answer but Zayn places a hand on his forearm, shaking his head slightly and Liam snaps his mouth closed. Zayn takes a deep breath and Liam feels him lean in closer, “it means, I was a waiter, at this small restaurant. But my jackass boss fired me for a really dumb reason a few weeks ago. I haven't found anything else yet, but I am looking and I assure you, I care about Liam for him, not his money if that's what you're thinking, not to be rude or anything” he tells her. Ruth stares at Zayn for a minute and Liam would laugh because it's hilarious if it wasn't so nerve wracking, he's proud of Zayn, because he knows that couldn't have been easy for the boy who is now worriedly chewing his bottom lip and leaning heavily on Liam's shoulder. Ruth nods after a few more seconds, “alright, well you weren't rude, I respect that. I'm sorry about your job, and although I appreciate your reassurance I believe you have my brother's best interest at heart so that thought never even crossed my mind” she says with a smile and Liam feels Zayn relax beside him.

Something Great (Ziam AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang