Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine – Zayn

 Zayn’s eyes dart around the room nervously as Liam finishes speaking, and Niall snorts, “yea we know who ya are” he chuckles, and Zayn would smack him but he can’t make his arm move, Gemma thankfully does it for him. Harry is pushing him forward a little more, “this is Zayn” he murmurs as he does and Zayn feels like he’s going to pass out, or throw up, maybe both, but he can’t, he won’t, he’s always promised himself that if he ever met Liam Payne he would be calm and cool. Taking a deep breath he steps closer and sticks out his hand, “it’s so great to meet you” he mumbles waiting for Liam to shake his hand, Liam however surprises him by wrapping him in a hug. Liam releases him after a moment and gestures to the couch he was sitting on when they came in, “well, make yourselves comfortable guys” he says, motioning for Harry, Niall and Gemma to come further in, “this is Louis, my best mate and assistant” Liam introduces gesturing to where Louis is sat beside him, “and that over there is Josh, Dan, Sandy and Jon, my band and good mates as well” he adds gesturing to the four across the room who wave slightly. Zayn allows himself to sink to the couch beside Liam (but not too close), as Harry, sits on Louis’ other side, and Niall and Gemma join the band, “this is Harry, my best friend” Zayn mumbles gesturing to Harry, who winks, “the blond is Niall, and the girl is Gemma, Harry’s sister” he adds quickly and Gemma bites her lip and waves, as Niall laughs, waving as well. Everyone slips into easy conversations after that with Liam getting up to turn on his Xbox and grab a few controllers.

As he’s passing out controllers to people Zayn allows himself to really look at Liam, he’s definitely sexier in person, and the stubble he’s recently allowed to grow on his jaw just might kill Zayn today. Pictures and videos, don’t do his muscles justice, and the way his eyes crinkle when he really smiles, or laughs is definitely cuter in person. Zayn bites his lip as he lets his eyes sweep over Liam once more, before he’s sitting beside Zayn again, and offering him one of the controllers still in his hand, as Zayn takes it with a smile, he can’t help but notice that Liam slid closer to him, than he had been before. A blush creeps up Zayn’s cheeks, and Harry who has been wrapped up in conversation with Louis for the past ten minutes, sends Zayn a reassuring smile, which does wonders to calm him down. Zayn returns his focus to the game he and Liam are currently playing and allows himself to relax. Zayn supresses a groan when he finally looks at the screen to see Liam has started up a game of Fifa, which he is terrible at, Josh and Sandy each have a controller too, and he’s going to embarrass himself within the first twenty minutes of meeting Liam, and his band. Niall looks over and notices Zayn’s face and chuckles loudly, “you alright, mate?” he asks and Zayn nods slowly, eyes darting to the screen and back again, Niall laughs harder as a result and Gemma reaches around from where she is talking to Dan to slap the back of his head again, causing everyone to laugh.

They’ve been playing for five minutes now, and Zayn has realized two things, one being that Liam smells amazing, and the second being that he is almost as bad if not worse at this game then Zayn himself is. Josh scores once again on them and high fives Sandy, Louis laughs from Liam’s other side, where he is still chatting with Harry, Jon chuckles as does Niall, and Gemma and Dan are too wrapped up in their conversation to really pay attention to the game. Liam groans and drops his controller onto Louis’ lap, “I’m done with this, I don’t know about you guys, but I think we should all get to know each other better” he says, reaching over to pluck the controller out of Zayn’s hands as well. Josh and Sandy chuckle, “you only think that ‘cause you’re losing mate” Josh laughs setting his controller down, and Sandy nods his agreement. Harry laughs from Louis’ other side, “don’t do it on Zayn’s accord, he’s used to losing” he teases, and Zayn blushes. Liam frowns then, turning to Zayn, “so Zayn I read, your entry, it was definitely the best of the ones I saw” he murmurs, and Zayn’s eyes widen. “Y-you r-read it” he stutters, and honestly he just wants to slap himself, to get himself under control, Liam chuckles, “I picked the top ten, actually” he smirks, and Zayn nods, because honestly he doesn’t know what to say. He looks first to Harry, but he’s really engrossed in whatever story Louis is telling him, so he doesn’t want to interrupt, his eyes dart to Niall, but he is now arm wrestling with Josh, and laughing like a maniac, next his eyes flit to Gemma, but she is overly engaged with Dan, and Sandy, there goes his support system.

Zayn’s attention darts back to Liam, when he feels a large, warm hand on his arm, “you alright?” Liam asks concerned and Zayn nods, “yea, could use some water though” he mumbles and Liam nods, jumping up and returning a moment later with two water bottles, he opens both and passes one to Zayn. Zayn takes the bottle and gratefully takes a swig, “so tell me about yourself, Zayn?” Liam asks, once Zayn has set the bottle down, Zayn looks at him, and smirks “what do you wanna know?” he asks back and Liam shrugs, “anything, really” he says, taking another sip of his drink. Zayn takes a deep breath, biting his bottom lip, “well, my name’s Zayn, obviously, I’m twenty one. As you read, my parents died in a car accident just before I turned eighteen. I love art, and wish I could get some of my work into a gallery somewhere. I work as a waiter, and get shitty tips, from overly pretentious business men and their wives, to pay for the terrible apartment I share with Harry. Who aside from being my roommate, has been my best friend since preschool, and he also works at the restaurant with me” Zayn says slowly, grabbing his water and taking a sip after he finishes. Liam’s eyes widen at the information, “nice, but if you hate the job so much why don’t you quit?” Liam asks curiously and Zayn shrugs glancing around at his friends once again, “I need the job, not all of us are massive pop stars” he teases gently, and Liam chuckles “fair enough” he says eyes sparkling.

Zayn grins, becoming more confident, because Liam, is just a normal guy like himself, who just got lucky and gets to do everything he’s ever wanted, “so tell me something about you?” Zayn asks and Liam almost chokes on his water. “Me” he splutters, eyes wide, Louis looks over from where he was, if Zayn didn’t know any better flirting with Harry, “you alright mate?” he asks patting Liam’s back. Liam nods “I’m fine Lou” Liam mumbles and Louis nods, patting his back once more, and returning his focus to Harry, who Zayn notes, is blushing. Liam recovers and looks at Zayn “you want to know about me? My every move is documented, and I’m guessing you’re a fan or you wouldn’t have entered the contest, no offense I mean” Liam says shaking his head. Zayn just chuckles, “I know that Liam, and trust me I’m not offended I am a fan, of your music, but I think there’s more to you than just superstar Liam Payne, so tell me something that I wouldn’t have read in a paper” he says and Liam’s eyebrows shoot up. Zayn just waits, sipping his water as Liam seems to process what he’s just said, “something the papers don’t know” Liam mumbles more to himself so Zayn just smiles and nods “alright, I’ve got something, Louis thinks that management works me to hard, and he keeps coming up with more ridiculous scenarios that are going to happen, once I’m spread too thin. Like last week I was apparently going to the rainforest to live with monkeys” Liam chuckles and Zayn’s eyebrows shoot up, and he laughs as well, “really, monkeys?” he asks and Liam nods, eyes crinkling as he laughs. Louis chooses that moment to turn around again, “don’t laugh Li, it could happen” he says seriously, flicking Liam on the forehead, and turning back around to talk to Harry again.

When Liam turns back to Zayn, he almost coos at the adorable pout on Liam’s face, “he flicked me” he mumbles and Zayn lets out a laugh “aww, are you ok?” he asks and Liam nods, still pouting. Zayn resists the urge to pull Liam into a hug, he just looks so irresistible right now. Zayn’s eyes flick back and forth across Liam’s face, before he shakes his head, and clears his throat, he suddenly notices how tired Liam looks, and wonders whether Louis is right, that management is spreading him too thin. “You seem to be thinking pretty hard, what about?” Liam asks breaking him out of his thoughts, the pout completely gone, “just, that you seem tired, are you sure, they aren’t working you too hard?” Zayn asks quietly. Liam grins at him, “I am tired, I mean the schedule is insane, but it’s all for the fans, I can’t let them down. And I know if I’m tired enough and need a break, management would make sure it happens” Liam says seriously, and Zayn nods slowly, although not entirely convinced. “So tell me more about you” Liam says, switching the subject, “do you have a girlfriend?” he asks, and Zayn almost spits the water he just drank out at him, “nope, haven’t had one since I was sixteen, and came out of the closet” Zayn answers honestly, Liam smiles, “sorry, I didn’t mean to-” but Zayn cuts him off, “you didn’t know, I’m not offended, but I’m also not ashamed of it” he says, grinning. Liam nods, “boyfriend then?” he asks cheekily and Zayn blushes, although he doesn’t entirely know why, “nope, not for about a year now” he says shaking his head, and biting his lip, Liam nods, almost happily it seems. 

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