Epilogue 1

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Epilogue– Zayn

Six years later

Zayn sighs as he makes his way through the arena, towards Liam's dressing room, the car seat clutched tightly in his hands, as two energetic three year olds run ahead of him. "Kendall, Keira please stay with Papa" he calls careful not to wake the sleeping six month old in the seat in his hands. "But Daddy's here" Kendall whines at him, Zayn arches an eyebrow at his son, the three year old sighing and slowing down to match Zayn's pace, his twin sister falling into place beside him. "Thank you" Zayn murmurs, reaching out with his free hand to ruffle Kendall's hair, "Daddy will be here all night" he adds when Keira pouts at him. Zayn has brought the kids to visit Liam on tour, he's been gone for two months and Zayn's really missed him, so have the twins. Zayn's not sure about Jaxon, the six month old is pretty much oblivious to his surroundings but he knows Liam's missed all three of his kids. "Zayn!" someone calls out and his head snaps up to see Louis heading towards him "Uncle Louis!" the twins cheer in unison, running again to jump into his arms. Zayn decides to just let it happen, because Louis can at least help him get all three kids to Liam's dressing room. "How was your flight?" Louis asks, once Zayn's close enough, "exhausting" Zayn mutters, flying with three children is not his idea of fun. Louis chuckles "I'll bet it was" he teases, scooping Keira into his arms when she reaches up to him. "Were you and your brother giving Papa a hard time?" he asks her, Keira bites her lip, a habit Zayn knows she picked up from him, before shaking her head adamantly. Louis chuckles and grabs Kendall's hand in his, leading the way towards the dressing room.

Zayn's glad to put the carseat down once they're in Liam's dressing room, the twins digging through the mini fridge in search of snacks. He carefully moves the blanket off of Jaxon to see the six month old still sleeping, and he's glad for it, because the infant had screamed pretty much the whole flight. "Papa?" Kendall asks and Zayn turns his attention to his oldest son, Kendall being five minutes older than his sister as well, "where's Daddy?" he asks, taking a bite out of an apple. "He's out on stage bud" Zayn answers, "he's practising for his show tonight, he'll be here soon" Zayn answers, checking his watch to note the time. Kendall huffs, but nods his head, before running back over to where Keira is sitting, colouring in one of the colouring books Zayn had the foresight to pack in her carry on.

Ten minutes later the door opens and Liam walks in, his eyes widening when the twins charge full speed at him, before he crouches down to catch them in his arms, standing up with one on either side of his body. "What are you two doing here?" Liam asks clearly confused and Zayn lets out a chuckle "Surprise" the twins chorus. Liam presses kisses to both of their heads before setting the three year olds back on the ground, Keira, always a Daddy's girl, wrapping herself around his leg to stay close. "You flew out here yourself, with all three of them?" Liam asks in disbelief, crossing the room to pull Zayn into his arms. Zayn shrugs nodding his head, "yeah, we missed you" he mumbles, as Liam kisses him quickly. "I missed you guys too" Liam sighs, reaching down to pull Keira back into his arms, her snuggling happily into his chest. "Daddy watch" Kendall calls, before jumping from the coffee table to the couch, Liam arches an eyebrow at him, "very cool Kendall, but do we jump on furniture?" he asks. Kendall pouts but shakes his head, "no, sorry Daddy" he mumbles, "it's ok bub, just don't do that again, it's not safe" Liam says, dropping onto the couch, Keira in his lap. Kendall scrambles up quickly, snuggling into Liam, who drops a kiss to each of the twins' heads.

"How's my baby?" Liam croons peeking into the carseat where Jax is still asleep, Zayn winces "he's good, hates flying apparently" he answers. Liam pouts, "yea Daddy, Jax was so loud" Kendall announces arms flinging out to the sides for emphasis, and almost hitting his twin sister in the face. Liam chuckles and reaches out to side hug Kendall "was he?" he asks, the twins nodding in unison as an answer. Just then Jax sneezes in his sleep startling himself awake, and with a shrill cry, announces his displeasure. Zayn's quick to pull him from the carseat, his favourite blanket coming up with him, "it's ok, you're ok, we came to see Daddy" Zayn coos, all while rocking slightly on the balls of his feet. Liam disentangles himself from the twins and is at Zayn's side in an instant, humming quietly as he brushes a finger down Jaxon's cheek. Jax starts to calm at Zayn's soothing motions and words, and stops entirely when he hears Liam's voice. Liam reaches to take him from Zayn and Zayn lets him go smiling to himself as he watches Liam hug the baby close and coo to him quietly. "Papaaa" Keira whines "what is it Princess?" Zayn asks, moving to crouch down in front of the twins on the couch, "Jax is doing it again" she groans. Zayn furrows his eyebrows at her confused "doing what exactly?" he asks. "Stealing Daddy" Kendall answers simply, gesturing across the room to where Liam is now singing quietly and rocking Jaxon.

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