Chapter Eighty One

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Chapter Eighty One – Zayn

Zayn's pouting, Liam's packing (again) and Zayn's pouting, watching him from the centre of the bed, while he tosses his clothes once again into his suitcase to leave to restart his tour. Zayn knows he's not being fair, but he doesn't care, not really, he's not selfish enough to keep Liam from his fans, he never could, because not long ago that's all he was. He has to remind himself frequently that this is all real, not a dream, that Liam is really here, and his. That this whole thing isn't just something he made up to get through the day, but it doesn't change the fact that he doesn't want Liam to go. “Can you stop pouting at me like that?” Liam asks suddenly, and Zayn snaps his head up to look at him, shaking his head, “no, I can't” he mutters. Liam sighs and sets down the t-shirt he's holding to crawl up the bed towards Zayn, Zayn bites his lip and looks away, pout still on his lips. Liam stops when he's hovering over top of Zayn, and Zayn would be lying if he didn't find it incredibly attractive, “and why not?” Liam hums, his lips ghosting over top of Zayn's own. Zayn bites his lip and shrugs, “don't want to” he mumbles, Liam shakes his head and leans down a little more to kiss him, “please stop pouting? I don't like it when you pout” Liam whispers. Zayn wants to give in then, wants to stop being so grumpy, but he doesn't know why he just can't, he pushes up a little so his lips meet Liam's again. Liam pulls away too soon and Zayn pouts at him angrily again, Liam chuckles “stop pouting, so I can pack, and I promise we can do anything you want after, ok?” he asks. Zayn glares for a second, considering his options, before he nods, slowly. This all feels so familiar, to every other time Liam has packed but Zayn doesn't care, not really, he just wants Liam to stay with him, the two weeks had passed too quickly, and he's still in pain, and they're no closer to getting Eleanor. “Thank you” Liam murmurs, pressing another quick kiss to Zayn's lips, he's gone far to soon and back to packing, and Zayn's back to glaring at his suitcase, like it's to blame for Liam leaving.

Zayn's still grumpy, Liam's finally finished packing and he and Zayn are snuggled on the couch trying to decide what to do with the rest of the day, Liam leaves in the morning for tour, and Zayn's going back to his and Harry's apartment. “Do you want to go get ice cream?” Liam tries, but Zayn makes a face and shakes his head, he doesn't know why he's in such a mood, he just is. Liam let's out a frustrated groan, “Zayn that's like the twentieth suggestion you've shot down, what do you want to do?” he asks, throwing his hands up in exasperation. Zayn bites his lip and shakes his head, because he just doesn't know, he doesn't know what he wants to do, he doesn't know why he feels the way he does, he just knows he feels like crap and everything hurts today in a way it hasn't since he woke up in the hospital. Zayn can feel the tears threatening at his eyes, and he doesn't want Liam to see him like this, so he mumbles something unintelligible and grabs his crutches to leave the room, slowly.

He should have known Liam wouldn't let him go that easily, because he catches Zayn by the elbow, before he's even out of the room, Zayn winces slightly, his arm hurts, and turns to see Liam, who is looking at him with a mixture of concern and confusion. Zayn feels a tear slip down his cheek and curses inwardly as Liam's face changes “oh, baby” Liam murmurs, gathering Zayn into his arms. Zayn doesn't mean to but he hisses in pain, and Liam loosens his grip slightly, “what is it Zayn?” Liam asks and Zayn shrugs, “I don't know, I don't want you to leave,and everything hurts today, and I just, I feel like crap” Zayn cries, wiping at his eyes. Liam frowns “Babe, what can I do?” he asks and Zayn shrugs, because he doesn't know, Liam nods and heads into the kitchen without another word. Zayn watches confused until Liam comes back carrying a few pill bottles and a glass of water in his hands, he guides Zayn towards the couch again, and Zayn just goes, lets Liam move him however he wants to. Once he's sitting again, Liam is uncapping the bottles and shaking a few pills out into his hands, handing them to Zayn, “these will help the pain, that I can fix” Liam murmurs, passing Zayn the water too.

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