Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two – Liam

Liam frowns as Louis pulls up outside the dilapidated looking apartment building, Louis shuts off the car and eyes him seriously, “it’s not bad inside actually, except the elevator doesn’t work” he frowns and Liam chuckles, because Louis has a habit of reading his mind, and sometimes it scares him. They get out of the car and head towards the door, moving quickly to escape the cold wind that’s picking up, once inside Liam looks around, the building looks outdated, but it seems to be well kept inside, Louis leads him towards a staircase and they start to climb in silence. Liam follows Louis’ lead because he realizes he has no clue where Zayn’s apartment is in the building, and for some reason this thought upsets him. They stop climbing at the fourth floor and Liam is glad, because despite his vigorous workouts, and long periods jumping around on stage, stairs leave him winded, Louis smirks at him and shakes his head, but stays silent and leads Liam down a hallway stopping in front of a door. Louis knocks and Liam is suddenly nervous, and he doesn’t really know why, he’s been alone with Zayn before, Louis turns and narrows his eyes at him, “you ok Li?” he asks worriedly and Liam nods. Louis looks skeptical but doesn’t get a chance to say anything because the door has been tugged open and Harry is standing in front of them grinning, “Lou” he shouts hurling himself into Louis’ arms. Liam stands awkwardly as he watches the pair embrace, before he notices a black quiff over Harry’s shoulder, and smiles widely, as his unexplained nervousness melts away.

Liam looks around for a way past Louis and Harry who are now snogging in the doorway, he just wants to get to Zayn, but there doesn’t seem to be a way past them, Zayn chuckles and holds up one finger from inside the apartment, indicating Liam should wait. Liam sighs and nods as Zayn disappears from his view, wondering where he went, when he reappears with something in his hands, Liam can’t see what it is. Zayn smirks at Liam, who’s still trapped in the hallway and swings whatever he is holding at Harry hitting him upside the head, it makes an odd thumping sound, and Harry jerks away from Louis. Liam bites his lip to hold in his laughter as Louis and Harry both turn to glare at Zayn, who Liam can now see is holding an inflatable bat, “Zee! What the hell?” Harry groans rubbing the back of his head. Zayn shrugs “you two were trapping poor Liam, out in the hall, get out of the way and let him in, then you can go back to it” he replies simply. Harry seems to notice his presence for the first time and Louis has the decency to look slightly ashamed, “Sorry Liam” Harry mumbles, before stepping aside and gesturing for him to enter the apartment, Liam waves him away and brushes past him and Louis as he makes his way inside. From where he’s standing he can see a kitchen, living room, and a small hallway with three doors off of it, but before he can say or do anything Zayn is there, and suddenly all Liam can think is Zayn and he doesn’t really care about anything else.

“Hey” Zayn smiles and Liam grins “hey” he repeats, pulling Zayn into his arms and hugging him tightly, “I missed you” he mumbles and Zayn chuckles pulling back a little. Liam pouts at him and Zayn snuggles back in, as Louis clears his throat behind them, “right so, we’ll be back in a few hours, have fun kids” he chirps, Liam shakes his head, “bye Lou, bye Harry, be careful” he answers at the same time Zayn calls “bye, use protection.” Harry blushes and Louis flips them of before the pair is out the door and Liam is alone with Zayn. Liam looks around once they’re gone and Zayn slips his hand into his, “want to see the place?” he asks quietly, not looking at Liam, “I mean not that you can’t see it all from here anyway” Zayn adds with a nervous chuckle. Liam turns so he can see Zayn, “I would love to see it” he murmurs, gently lifting Zayn’s chin with one finger. Zayn nods biting his lip, and Liam groans, as he’s tugged into the living room. Liam looks around there’s two bookshelves one black and the other a lighter, more natural wood shade, both packed to bursting with books, movies and video games, a couch that looks as though it has been around for a while, two chairs, and a coffee table covered in various remotes and a few magazines. “So, uh this is our living room” Zayn mumbles scratching the back of his neck, Liam nods, “its nice Zee” he murmurs taking in the wall around the TV which is completely covered in framed pictures, all of what he would assume are Zayn and Harry’s families. Zayn shakes his head, “no it’s not, but come on” he says pulling Liam towards the kitchen, which is slightly cramped with the small table and four chairs in the corner, but it’s well-kept “kitchen, obviously” Zayn mumbles and Liam nods. Zayn tugs him down the small hallway next, “that’s Harry’s room” he says pointing to a door on the right “and the bathroom” Zayn adds pointing to a door beside it, Liam nods as Zayn stops in front of the door on the left. “And this is my room” he mutters pushing open the door.

Liam can tell Zayn’s nervous as he waits for a reaction, the room is small, Liam has closets bigger than Zayn’s bedroom, but tidy. The large bed pushed into the corner takes up over half the space, there’s also a small night table and a dresser, both pressed against walls and both covered in various things from framed pictures, to art supplies, and a small jar with loose change in it. Liam turns to see Zayn shuffling his feet and chewing on his bottom lip and internally coos at him he looks so vulnerable right now, and tugs him towards himself, Zayn stumbles and falls into Liam’s arms a look of surprise on his face, “its great Zayn, really” Liam murmurs, brushing some hair that has fallen free of the quiff from Zayn’s eyes. Zayn furrows his eyebrows at him, “you like it, really?” Zayn squeaks and Liam’s pretty sure that’s the most adorable noise Zayn has made so far, “yea, it feels like a home, ya know?” Liam asks Zayn smiles slightly and nods, before pulling himself out of Liam’s arms, making him pout, Zayn chuckles “c’mon Li, unless you want to stand in the hall all night, we should move” he says playfully and Liam nods and allows himself to be pulled along back to the living room. Once there Liam lets himself flop onto the couch beside Zayn and the old tattered couch is surprisingly comfortable, Liam doesn’t get to say anything because Zayn is suddenly in his lap, knees on either side of his thighs and arms resting lightly on his shoulders. Liam’s unsure where Zayn’s sudden burst of confidence came from, but he doesn’t really care he likes it, and Zayn is incredibly attractive right now.

Liam’s still sitting shocked when Zayn leans down and presses his lips to his, Liam doesn’t hesitate to kiss back, his arms coming up to wrap around Zayn’s waist. Liam groans as he feels Zayn attempt to deepen the kiss, and this allows Zayn the access he was after, he’s suddenly licking into Liam’s mouth, and Liam’s almost certain he never wants this to stop. He tilts his head begins to pull Zayn even closer, Zayn lets out a little moan and Liam smirks into the kiss, taking over the dominant role with ease and Zayn doesn’t appear to protest, as Liam flips them so they’re now laying on the couch Zayn underneath him. Zayn’s hands are twisted in his hair and Liam’s using one to support his weight slightly, the other rubbing gently up and down Zayn’s side as they kiss. The kiss continues for a few minutes until Liam feels Zayn feebly pushing against his chest and pulls back to look down at him, cocking an eyebrow, both breathing heavily “sorry, need-ed…to…breathe” Zayn pants and Liam nods, still trying to control his own breathing, “s’ok” Liam murmurs, dropping down so he’s now laying behind Zayn, pulling his back against his chest. It’s quiet as they both catch their breath and Liam takes a moment to think, this was not how he pictured tonight going, but he’s not upset it took this turn, he knows he really likes Zayn and wants to be with him all the time. Liam also knows that he needs to talk to Zayn about what all this means, and where they stand when he leaves on tour in less than two weeks, he’s been coaching Louis to have this same conversation with Harry, and knows he needs to have it with Zayn as well. He buries his face in the back of Zayn’s hair and inhales his scent for a moment as Zayn plays with his fingers where he has them wrapped around his waist.

“Liam” Zayn mumbles after a few quiet moments “what you wanna do?” he asks and Liam shrugs, because honestly as long as he’s with Zayn he really doesn’t care. Zayn makes a noise of protest and struggles to sit up “our cable doesn’t work, but we have lots of movies, and Netflix if you want” he murmurs and Liam furrows his eyebrows, but chooses not to ask why the cable doesn’t work. Instead he switches his gaze to the overly full shelves looking at the movies, there’s a lot of action, and comedies and a fair number of ‘chick flicks’ but the part that catches his eye is there’s an entire shelf of Disney movies. He grins “can we watch Aladdin?” he asks batting his eyelashes, and Zayn laughs, leaning down to peck Liam’s lips “of course” he chuckles getting up and grabbing it off the shelf and stuffing it into the player, before returning back to the couch and pushing himself into Liam’s arms. Liam smiles and cuddles him close, “welcome back” he murmurs kissing his ear and smirking as Zayn shivers. Liam keeps Zayn close as the movie plays, occasionally stealing kisses as they watch, but putting off the imminent conversation for just a while longer.

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