Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen – Zayn

Zayn’s head is spinning, he’s struggling to find words after Liam had kissed him, sure it was the subject of many of his fantasies the past three years, but he never imagined it would actually be happening. Their foreheads are still connected and Zayn can still feel Liam’s breath fanning over his face. Liam is grinning down at Zayn and Zayn is sure he’s smiling just as widely, as they both catch their breath again. The kiss set off a fire inside of him, that Zayn is perfectly ok with never having go away, it was everything he’s ever wanted in a kiss and nothing he didn’t, it wasn’t rushed or forced, and he has never felt this way after kissing anyone before. He wants to climb inside Liam and keep himself safe and hidden away from the world, trusting Liam to protect him in a way that only he can. Zayn bites his lip and lets his eyes slip closed again, as he tries to collect his thoughts, he hears Liam groan, and opens his eyes, brows furrowing in confusion “now that I know how you’ll react to it, I wouldn’t keep doing that unless you want me to kiss you senseless” Liam growls reaching between them to tug Zayn’s lip free of his teeth. Zayn sits quietly and allows him to do so, unsure of how to respond, part of him wants to pull his lip back between his teeth and see if Liam follows through on his threat, because yea, he would absolutely love for Liam to kiss him senseless, but another, much smaller, part of him, wants to actually talk to Liam tonight, so he settles for slowly letting his tongue trace over his lip before leaning slightly away from Liam.

Liam’s eyes are tracing over every inch of Zayn’s face and he’s beginning to feel self-conscious under Liam’s stare, “tell me something Liam?” Zayn asks, his voice sounding needy to his own ears, as Liam scrunches up his face in confusion “tell you what?” he asks and Zayn shrugs, “anything, just tell me something?” he asks again. Liam appears to be thinking so Zayn waits, wondering what Liam will come up with, “When I was eleven I got beat up at school, and broke my left wrist. Louis found me in the bathroom and took me to the hospital, where I got fixed up. I ended up with a bright purple cast on it, Louis thought it would be funny to draw a giant penis on the top of it. My mum freaked out and glued a picture of me and my sisters over it, and told Jay, Louis’ mum about it. She grounded him for two weeks, but he somehow convinced them, that I told him to, so I got grounded too” Liam says slowly, eyes never leaving Zayn’s face, Zayn laughs because yea he hadn’t been expecting that. Liam blushes, “you told me to tell you something” he shrugs and Zayn nods, “that I did, wasn’t sure what I was expecting but, broken wrists and penis drawings definitely wasn’t it” he chuckles. Liam shrugs and reaches for Zayn’s hand, “when you’ve been friends with Louis as long as I have, strange things have a habit of happening” he says biting his lip and Zayn grins, nodding.

They sit in silence after that Batman still playing on the TV behind them, Zayn clears his throat, “did you really get bullied that bad Li?” he asks quietly and Liam nods, biting his lip, “yea, but I had Louis so it wasn’t so bad, and now look at me, and look at them. I think I kind of got the ultimate revenge” he shrugs. Zayn smiles because, yea he had read about Liam being bullied, but never how bad it actually was, and because Liam seems so collected about it now, it’s a fact it happened, but now it’s over. He doesn’t seem to be looking for revenge, which many in his position would, he just knows he survived it and is better off because of it. “The funny thing is” Liam starts eyes darting around, “my biggest bully, turned up at my mum’s asking for my number, right after my first single went to number one” he says slowly. Zayn furrows his eyebrows at this information “what did he want?” he asks curiously and Liam laughs, leaning in to kiss Zayn’s forehead, “what a lot of people want, still want really, I would assume” Liam murmurs, “to be my friend because of who I was becoming, and what I could do for them. But my sister’s wouldn’t tell him anything, Ruth suggested that he grow up and get back to his job at McDonalds and Nicola slammed the door in his face” Liam says. Zayn nods and bites his lip again, but Liam cuts him off before he can speak, “I told them not to pick on him anymore though, and just ignore him if he came back, I didn’t want any of us sinking to his level in any way” he finishes with a nod. Zayn smiles, because yea, Liam is perfect, he has the perfect opportunity to get back at his tormenters and he doesn’t take it, insists on treating them fairly.

They fall silent again both watching the movie, although Zayn is watching Liam more than he’s watching the TV, Liam sends him a sideways glance before reaching for the remote and turning down the volume on the TV, “ok it’s your turn Zayn, tell me something random” Liam says with a chuckle. Zayn frowns, as he begins to think of something to tell Liam that compares to his broken arm story he begins chewing on his finger as he thinks. Liam just sits quietly watching him and waiting, and Zayn’s grateful that he’s not pushing him to think faster, “alright when we were seven Harry and I were finally allowed to go to the park alone, without our parents or older sisters. Mum made me promise that I wouldn’t go near the pond, because” Zayn hesitates and Liam furrows his eyebrows “because why Zayn?” he asks. Zayn bites his lip, “because, I can’t really swim” he mumbles blushing, Liam nods as if he hears all about twenty one year old men who can’t swim every day. When Zayn realizes Liam’s not going to make fun of him he takes a deep breath and continues, “while Harry and I were playing footie, and I completely sucked at it, and I tripped when I went to kick the ball and fell over backwards, right into the pond” he sighs, blushing a deeper red, Liam chuckles but not in a mean way. “So you fell into the pond, then what happened?” Liam asks, Zayn shakes his head, “why am I telling you this?” he asks and Liam laughs, “because I’m cute” he says and Zayn nods, because yea, Liam is cute and he’s not about to disagree with him. “Anyway I fell into the pond, Harry was laughing so hard he could barely stand up when he came to help me, but when he got closer he tripped, because he’s Harry and fell in too. That’s when Gemma, Harry’s sister came by, she pulled us both out, and sent us home. Harry’s mum laughed said she knew something like this was going to happen knowing us, and that’s why she sent Gem along” Zayn adds, Liam nods holding back a laugh, “my mum however didn’t see the humour, and after that I wasn’t allowed anywhere near the park alone with Harry for another two years” he finishes and Liam nods thoughtfully.

Zayn waits in the silence for Liam’s response and he silently kicks himself for telling that story, it’s one of his favourite memories from his childhood, yea he was soaking wet and got sick for a week afterwards, and his mum got even more overprotective afterwards, it involved so many of his favourite people, and all the bad stuff aside it was one of the best days of his childhood. Liam smiles widely at Zayn then, his eyes crinkling in the way that Zayn knows means the smile is real, “that’s a great story Zayn, how long have you and Harry been friends?” he asks, squeezing his hand gently. Zayn shrugs and smiles at Liam widely “since the first day of preschool” he says a fond smile creeping onto his face as he thinks about it, Liam nods, “that’s really nice Zee” he chimes and Zayn nods, because he doesn’t really know what to say. They sit in relative silence for another moment, before Zayn clears his throat, “you know about what you said before” he starts and Liam furrows his eyebrows, “about how people only want to know you because of the fame” Zayn clarifies and watches as understanding spreads across Liam’s face. “Well, I just I think you should know I don’t care about that, I really don’t care that you’re famous, I mean sure it allowed me to meet you, but I think if we had met at school, or you came into the restaurant, I would feel the same about you. And as far as I’m concerned we could never step foot outside together, and I’d still wanna spend time with you” he finishes looking up at Liam. Zayn’s not entirely sure where that came from, he just knows he needed to tell Liam, let him know that what he does for a living has no bearing on them getting to know each other. Liam blinks slowly at Zayn a slow smile crossing his face, Zayn sits quietly and waits, not willing to say anything else until Liam speaks again. Liam doesn’t leave him waiting long but launches himself at Zayn, tackling him to the couch in a hug that borders on too tight and cuts of Zayn’s oxygen supply, just a little, “Zayn, I, well I never thought you were like that, and honestly, I kinda forgot you were a fan today. But thank you, I guess” Liam murmurs and Zayn just nods, because he’s not entirely sure he can make noise with how tight Liam’s hugging him, and really he doesn’t think there’s anything to say.

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