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"You're still going to follow him?"

Clara sat down beside her friend. Students were rushing inside the classroom, getting in their seats as the bell rang. Their teacher was already scribbling down terms on the board for the outline of their lesson.

"Yes. I'll say I'm sick."

Ella nodded, already knowing that she won't be able to cut class. "I see."

"Watch me."

Ella raised her eyebrow and watched her friend walk to the front of the room. It wasn't going to work. She already knew that since she had tried it once.

"Mrs. Miller?" Clara called, making her face looked pained. She made her voice sound weak like she was actually sick. "Mrs. Miller?"

The lady turned. A girl was standing in front of her, looking feeble. She looked at the class settling in their seats, and back to the girl in front, asking with a blank expression, "Yes, Ms. Auden?"

"I feel sick," the girl croaked.

The lady examined the student from head to toe. She hadn't looked sick when she saw her earlier. "Feelings can be endured, right?" She was used to students faking their health to get away from her class. But she wasn't expecting Clara to try the stunt on her. Has her brother influenced her innocent mind?

"Mrs. Miller," Clara pleaded with her eyes. "My head is aching and I think I'm gonna vomit."

The lady spun back to the board, and resumed her writing. "Are you pregnant?"

Clara gaped, and blinked several times. "No. I'm sick." She heard Ella's muffled laughter, and she turned to glare at her. Some of the students who heard the comment were chuckling under their breaths.

"Clara, if you want to be actually sick, sit down," the lady suggested after finishing her work, knowing that Clara was still behind her. She faced the room with a bored expression. "We are going to have a pop quiz."

The whole class groaned.

"But I'm really sick," Clara pushed.

"And your brother is too. Suspicious. Ms. Auden, I don't see you as this type of student. Sit down."

Clara tried to convince her again with her eyes. She sighed, dejected, and nodded her head. She sniffed as she dragged back to her seat, hoping one last time to make her teacher believe. Of course, that wasn't going to work. Nothing moves Mrs. Miller. Clara has never been sick in school, so she thought her teacher would consider. Her shoulders sagged as she sat back beside her friend. Now, she felt she was actually going to get sick.

"You did great, friend," Ella patted her back. "Now, help me with the quiz."


Clara slumped on the couch of their house after throwing her bag and shoes on the floor. She was exhausted and hungry. The pop quiz was a sore. Ella had poked her side for several times, asking for answers, and she was nervous giving her some since Mrs. Miller was eyeing her like a hawk. They both passed though. All thanks to Clara. And in return for her benevolence, Ella had bought her ice cream, and gave her a ride back home since they haven't seen Kent's car in the parking lot.

Speaking of Kent, Clara was annoyed. She could have followed him earlier if Mrs. Miller had just been kind and caring. Well, even if Mrs. Miller had let her, she was clueless on where to find him. She hadn't seen him after he had left the cafeteria.

She glared at the ceiling, more annoyed. And to actually think she had helped him ditch class.

The sound of a car engine dying vibrated outside. It must be him.

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