Chapter 1

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It's Saturday 18th June, my 16th birthday and the day I finally get to go hunting with my brothers, Sam and Dean.
Dean is the oldest, he's 34 and is such a flirt with other girls.
Sam is older than me, he's only 30 but he's really smart. Sadly, he passed up the opportunity to be a lawyer when his girlfriend died.
Also, I know that they're 14/18 years older than me but what can I say, my dad's a slut even when he's getting old.

*beep beep beep*

"Y/N! Get up!" Dean shouts, pushing me out of my bed.

"Dean!" I groan while standing up and adjusting my shirt.

"Get dressed, we've got a case" he says before walking over to the small table in our room.

I look at Sam with a frown and head into the bathroom with a handful of clothes. When I'm done, I come out wearing a black tank top and jeans, a blue flannel and some black boots, a few accessories too.

 When I'm done, I come out wearing a black tank top and jeans, a blue flannel and some black boots, a few accessories too

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(Imagine without the bag)

"Nope! Go back in there and get changed into something more sensible" Dean orders, pointing at the bathroom door.

"Okay dad, jeez chill. Im not getting changed though, it's either this or..." I say and wink at Dean. He knows what I'm thinking instantly by the grin on my face.

"Okay! C'mon let's go already" Dean says walking out the door. Sam chuckles at Dean's reaction and we both head out to baby.

(For those of you who don't know, baby is the nickname for a 1967 Chevy Impala. Which is a type of car!!!)

We drive off and end up in Iowa. Sam fills me in on what the case is before we hop out of baby and towards the crime scene.

"Excuse me but you can't be here, this is an active investigation" an officer says.

"I'm Agent Angus, this is my partner Agent Young. We're here on official business" Dean says as him and Sam hold up their fake badges.

"Who's this one?" The officer asks pointing at me.

"This is one of our trainees, Miss Moon. She's top of her class and is soon to be promoted if she can pass this field test" Sam says in such a professional way that I get literal chills.

"Okay, over here" the officer replys and we follow him to where a mangled corpse lay on the hard, grimy ground. I gagged at the horrific sight but pulled myself together knowing that if I didn't do this then I couldn't hunt with my big brothers.

Time skip
11 hours later
Abandoned warehouse

We creep up to the warehouse and Dean slowly opens the door. Before I knew it there were roughly 18 vampires surrounding us and no way out.

"Dean?!" I shout as a few vamps charge towards me. I manage to dodge a few of them and I decapitated 4 before one of them caught me by surprise and grabbed me by my neck.

Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale X Reader: Supernatural X Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now